Simon Cowell, 63, is finally attempting to quit smoking for good


Simon Cowell has been trying to quit smoking for years.

But according to his close friend and singer Sinitta Malone, 58, the creator and music mogul of X Factor, 63, is finally looking to get rid of the habit once and for all with the help of his family.

Sinitta revealed this week, while supporting the Stoptober campaign, that Simon’s son Eric, eight, has become the ‘cigarette police’ in his effort to stop his father from smoking.

Give up the habit!  Simon Cowell, 63, is finally trying to quit smoking for good with the help of his family, according to his close friend Sinitta Malone.  Pictured smoking in London in 2015

Give up the habit! Simon Cowell, 63, is finally trying to quit smoking for good with the help of his family, according to his close friend Sinitta Malone. Pictured smoking in London in 2015

Sinitta is Eric’s godmother and said the father-son duo has a great relationship.

“It’s wonderful to be godmothers and wonderful to see and witness them together,” she said. The sun.

‘He follows him around, with the smoking thing, he only allows Simon one puff of a cigarette, he always says, ‘how many puffs, how many puffs” Eric is like a little cigarette police and keeps him on his toes. It’s very sweet.’

1665659367 51 Simon Cowell 63 is finally attempting to quit smoking for

1665659367 51 Simon Cowell 63 is finally attempting to quit smoking for

Sweet: Sinitta revealed this week, while supporting the Stoptober campaign, that Simon’s son Eric, eight, has become the ‘cigarette police’ in his effort to stop his father from smoking

Close friend: Sinitta is Eric's godmother and said the father-son duo has a great relationship

Close friend: Sinitta is Eric's godmother and said the father-son duo has a great relationship

Close friend: Sinitta is Eric’s godmother and said the father-son duo has a great relationship

She added that she thinks Simon only smokes one to two cigarettes a day, but said he could use a nicotine patch.

“The problem with Simon is that he really likes smoking; I don’t even know if he’s addicted – I suspect there is a slight addiction, but he doesn’t see himself addicted because he says he can cut down whenever he wants.’

In 2013, prior to the birth of his son Eric, Simon said he would give up his cigarettes and not smoke in front of his son after he was criticized for puffing around his pregnant partner Lauren Silverman.

“I don’t,” Simon told LBC 97.3 at the time. ‘I learned that. I try to do electronic cigarettes, they are not bad. But moderation would be better.’

Later, after the birth of his son, he would have made his house a ‘smoke-free zone’.

“The problem with Simon is that he really likes smoking;  I don't even know if he's addicted — I suspect there's a slight addiction, but he doesn't see himself addicted,

“The problem with Simon is that he really likes smoking;  I don't even know if he's addicted — I suspect there's a slight addiction, but he doesn't see himself addicted,

“The problem with Simon is that he really likes smoking; I don’t even know if he’s addicted — I suspect there’s a slight addiction, but he doesn’t see himself addicted,” she said. Pictured in August 2015

In 2015, it was reported that Simon paid £100 a cigarette for lighting in the X Factor studios… after refusing to smoke outside.

Due to the judge’s tight schedule during filming and his love of tobacco, he was forced to light up in the studio during commercial breaks – despite it being classified as a workplace.

According to the Sunday Mirror at the time, the music mogul had to pay a £100 fine so he could enjoy a cigarette and relax during the stressful and hectic filming process for The X Factor.

Speaking of the show’s “expensive habit” supremo, an insider revealed the apparent true cost of Simon’s vice, saying, “Over the course of a series, we’re talking literally thousands of pounds.”

But according to The sun, after passing out at his London home in 2017, he vowed to cut down on smoking and take better care of himself. He lost weight and became a vegan.

In 2020, he suffered a horrific e-bike accident and broke his back.

Earlier this year, he had another e-bike accident in London and broke his arm.

But shortly after, he said he was feeling better, but admitted he was “a little crazy.”

Taking care of himself: But according to The Sun, after he passed out at his London home in 2017, he vowed to stop smoking and take better care of himself.  He lost weight and became a vegan.  Pictured in LA in April 2018

Taking care of himself: But according to The Sun, after he passed out at his London home in 2017, he vowed to stop smoking and take better care of himself.  He lost weight and became a vegan.  Pictured in LA in April 2018

Taking care of himself: But according to The Sun, after he passed out at his London home in 2017, he vowed to stop smoking and take better care of himself. He lost weight and became a vegan. Pictured in LA in April 2018