Shredding together! Jules Sebastian reveals how she and husband Guy transformed their bodies together in just weeks – and never looked back

Jules Sebastian and her husband Guy took charge of their health six years ago and have been sticking to their new lifestyle ever since.

The stylist said the couple were inspired to start their fitness journey when Guy was photographed for the cover of Men’s Health.

The 44-year-old and her 42-year-old husband had a hard time in the beginning, Jules said Body and soul magazine.

“It was a very busy time for us. I remember going to a concert and there was this huge platter of cheese and champagne flowing. Guy and I were just looking at the food and holding each other and saying, ‘Don’t do it, don’t do it!'” she said.

“I love food and I love bad food – fries and carbs are my weakness,” she added.

Over time, the couple learned to make better choices and replace unhealthy foods with healthy foods.

“Every meal for me is a decision: ‘Am I going to go with the healthy option or am I going to go with the unhealthy option,” she explained.

“When I eat out for breakfast, I’ll balance the French toast or pancakes against the avocado smash and poached eggs. It’s still delicious, but just not loaded with sugar and bad stuff.”

Jules Sebastian and her husband Guy took charge of their health six years ago and have been sticking to their new lifestyle ever since. Recently pictured

Jules says she has not only seen a change in her body, but also in her mind.

“I can honestly say that it has changed my life. It sounds so dramatic, but it really has,” she said.

“More than the body transformation, it’s how I feel. I have more energy, I’m happier, I’m in a better mood, I’m better for my kids, I’m a better mother, I’m a better wife. My mind is really clear.”

The mother of two previously revealed to WOMAN who, by prioritising her health, managed to shed those stubborn inches from her waistline and get her best body yet – all in just eight weeks.

Speaking to Ny Breaking Australia, Jules revealed exactly how she did it, as well as the daily diet that keeps her slim and in shape.

“I love food and I love bad food – hot chips and carbs are my weakness,” Jules said

“I love food and I love bad food – hot chips and carbs are my weakness,” Jules said

Jules explained that she first decided to take charge of her health a year ago, when Guy worked on appearing topless on the cover of Men’s Health.

“I went along to training and the rest is history,” she told Ny Breaking Australia.

‘We both decided to do the Eight Weeks to Wow program with Em & Chief because I was feeling lethargic and not so good about myself. I had had two babies and was every woman’s story.

“I said I didn’t have time to exercise, but I didn’t make my health a priority.”

Jules said her partner quickly adopted a strict diet and exercise regimen, with them working out six times a week.

Jules and Guy also abruptly stopped sugar, carbohydrates and alcohol.

“It was pretty hardcore. We stopped doing everything we loved to do. It was all about mental strength,” she said.

Jules says she has not only seen a change in her body, but also in her mind. 'I can honestly say it has changed my life. It sounds so dramatic, but it really has,' she said

Jules says she has not only seen a change in her body, but also in her mind. ‘I can honestly say it has changed my life. It sounds so dramatic, but it really has,’ she said

But when Jules said she “made a change in her brain,” she started to notice the results.

“The first week was the hardest, with all the sugar withdrawal symptoms,” she said.

“But I was strict. For me, it had to be a rule. I wouldn’t eat sugar, carbs, or alcohol – there couldn’t be a gray area or a cheat day.”

And after three weeks she started noticing small changes.

“I couldn’t see the results yet, but I could feel something happening in my body,” Jules said.

‘I had more energy, my stomach was flatter and my mind was clearer. Physically my body had taken shape.’

When the eight-week training period was over, the mother of two knew that “this is how I was supposed to live.”