Short rollover seen in Nifty Futures; Check Bear Spread strategy for index

Bear Spread Strategy on Nifty

Buy Nifty (expiry November 9) 18,800 PUT at Rs 139.9 and simultaneously sell 18,500 PUT at Rs 62.55

Lot size: 50

Cost of the strategy: Rs 77.35 (Rs 3,868 per strategy)

Maximum profit Rs 11,132 if Nifty closes at or below Rs 18,500 on November 9.

Break-even point: Rs 18,722

Risk-reward ratio: 1:2.88

Estimated margin required: Rs 19,000


>> A short rollover is seen in the Nifty Futures to the November series, where open interest rose 14 percent on Thursday and Nifty fell 1.39 percent.

>> Nifty has moved off the uptrend line, bordering the lows of August 31 and October 4.

>> The short-term trend of the Nifty is weak as it is below the 5.11 and 20-day EMA.

>> Among nifty options, aggressive call writing is seen at 19,000-19,200 levels.

Remark : It is advisable to book profits in the strategy when the ROI exceeds 20 percent.

Disclaimer: Nandish Shah is a senior derivatives and technical analyst at HDFC Securities. The opinions expressed are our own. He has no position in the index.

First print: October 27, 2023 | 6:45 am IST

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