Shocking video shows victim repeatedly stabbed by Libyan migrant in Paris Gare du Nord rampage


Shocking video has emerged of a savage knife attack by a Libyan migrant on a train passenger at the main Eurostar hub from Paris to London yesterday.

Footage released today showed the assailant, who says his name is Mohamed Amine but has not been formally identified, pushed an unidentified man to the ground at the Gare du Nord in the French capital before repeatedly stabbing him.

The helpless victim suffered multiple puncture wounds and was left in critical condition.

Her attacker was later shot by an off-duty police officer, but not before he managed to plunge his sword into five other people in what authorities believe was an unprovoked mass stabbing.

The assailant charged through the doors and knocked a passenger to the ground.

He can clearly be seen raising the blade above his head before plunging it several times into his helpless victim.

The attacker ran off after other passengers intervened, but injured five more people before being shot by police.

Yesterday’s frenzied attack by the Libyan migrant, who was officially ‘expelled’ from France last year, took place during the morning rush hour at one of Europe’s busiest train stations.

The harrowing clip of the assault showed the assailant knocking his victim to the ground before spinning around on his flailing legs and violently swinging his sword from high above his head.

He attacked six people in total, one woman and the rest men, before he was shot and taken to hospital.

All six suffered injuries and the man whose assault was caught on video was taken to intensive care in critical condition, but no one died in the assault.

Meanwhile, the Paris prosecutor Laure Beccau He said that the assailant was undergoing surgery after being shot twice in the chest and once in the right arm. Investigators have not been able to question him given his condition, he said.

The Libyan, who did not have papers, was identified through fingerprint records showing he entered France in 2020.

He was ordered to leave the country last year after numerous court appearances for offenses including property damage.

But he simply ignored the deportation order and showed up at the Gare du Nord shortly before 7 a.m. on Wednesday.

The attacker injured six people in all, one woman and the rest men, in what police believe was an unprovoked mass stabbing before officers fired and took him into custody (left)

Yesterday’s frenzied assault by the Libyan migrant, who was officially ‘expelled’ from France last year, took place during the morning rush hour at Gare du Nord, one of the busiest train stations in Europe.

A soldier patrols at the Gare du Nord train station, Wednesday, January 11, 2023, in Paris.

A female witness to the attack, who asked not to be named, said: “I was with my friends at the Gare du Nord this morning, going on holiday, and we were entering the entrance when we heard someone scream.”

‘People were lying on the ground, and others were getting on the trains as fast as possible. Someone had a knife and was attacking people.

‘I took care of the first victim who had been injured. I had the impression that the man with the knife was just attacking someone close to him.

“While people were being treated, I heard shots: law enforcement was reacting to the attacker.”

The suspect first targeted a man in front of the station as shown in the terrifying video.

The assailant then proceeded towards the platforms and attacked four civilians and a border police officer.

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin speaks to the press at the Gare du Nord train station after a knife attack, in Paris, France, on January 11, 2023.

French police secure the area after a man stabbed several people at the Gare du Nord train station in Paris.

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin praised the “courageous and effective reaction” of the police, but made no official comment on the way in which the Libyan had ignored an expulsion order.

“Without the extremely rapid intervention, there would surely be deaths,” he said, detailing how the suspect was neutralized within a minute of attacking his first victim.

‘At 6:42, the first acts were described. At 6:43, the police used their administrative weapon after their violent pass,’ he said.

Prosecutors opened a criminal investigation and said they were not initially treating the case as terrorism-related.

Last February, French police shot and killed a man who stabbed two officers at the Gare du Nord.

France remains on a state of heightened security alert after a series of deadly attacks by radical Islamists and others since 2015.

In December, a 69-year-old suspect confessed to “pathological hatred of foreigners” after shooting dead three Kurds near the same station.

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