Shocking photos emerge from crime besieged Alice Springs: ‘How long will it be before someone is killed?’

Alice Springs continues to be a place of criminal chaos, with huge rocks being thrown through windows and car thieves posting videos of themselves deliberately ramming vehicles parked in driveways.

Social media platform Action for Alice, which documents criminal behaviour in the central Northern Territory town, has shown large rocks reportedly thrown through windows of homes while terrified owners were inside.

“Look at the size of the stones that were thrown through the window of an occupied building on Ballingalstraat last night!”, reads the Facebook post on Thursday.

“How long before someone gets murdered?”

Commentators were also shocked by the size of the projectiles and the potential damage they could cause.

“What if there was a baby in there? This could be deadly,” one person wrote.

“WTAF! This is ridiculous…,” was another response.

“Those deadly projectiles are sharp. Sharp weapons,” said another.

Wednesday, Action for Alice re-posted confronting video from inside a stolen car.

The disturbing footage, which is set to a rap music soundtrack, shows the Toyota HiLux deliberately ramming a smaller hatchback parked in the driveway.

These rocks were thrown through the windows of an Alice Springs home on Wednesday night while the homeowners were inside

A broken window of the house in Alice Springs where huge rocks were thrown through the glass

“F**k the oppz ram their car,” the caption reads, along with a laughing emoji.

‘I, the driver.’

Another view shows three young people in a HiLux making hand gestures, including giving the bird.

There is also a photo of a masked young man standing on the bonnet of the HiLux, which has been daubed with spray paint.

“Keep your house locked,” the caption reads.

‘I the kugy.’

Video footage from inside a stolen Toyota HiLux shows it deliberately ramming a smaller hatchback parked in a driveway

The car thieves also posted an image of the graffiti-covered HiLux with a warning to homeowners

Over the past week, looting youths in Alice Springs have smashed the windows of dozens of vehicles, businesses and government and private institutions.

Stones were also thrown at moving vehicles.

On Sunday evening, a 28-year-old cook and student from Indonesia was captured on video driving away from a group of youths while hearing the loud sound of stones being thrown at her car.

Violence broke out in the streets on Sunday afternoon after a football match, with rival groups attacking each other with axes, pickaxes, a baseball bat and sticks.

In July, a three-night curfew was imposed in Alice Springs and extra officers were deployed after four off-duty officers were allegedly assaulted while walking along a pavement on their way to a hotel on Barrett Drive.

That followed a three-week curfew for young people in the city centre in March, after rampaging crowds took over the city streets, forcing terrified pub-goers to barricade themselves inside.

Violence broke out on the streets of Alice Springs on Sunday afternoon as armed groups attacked each other with pickaxe handles, an axe, sticks and other improvised weapons

The Northern Territory election on Saturday night saw the Country Liberal Party sweep to power, ending Labor’s eight-year tenure on a promise to restore law and order.

The new Northern Territory Chief Minister Lia Finocchiaro is moving quickly to introduce laws to strengthen police stop-and-search powers, lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 10 and make it harder to get bail.

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