Shocking moment group of male Brazilian medical students perform group masturbation on women’s volleyball court after their college’s team beat their rivals

Shocking moment: Group of Brazilian medical students masturbate as a group on women’s volleyball court after their university team beats their rivals

  • Male members of the University of Santo Amaro futsal team stormed a volleyball court and exposed their genitals after their school’s women’s team won a match.
  • The incident took place in April following a league victory at the University of São Camilo, but the footage was made public for the first time on Sunday.
  • Santo Amaro University expelled six players on Monday as part of its investigation

This is the bizarre moment a group of Brazilian medical students stormed a volleyball court and performed a group masturbation act after a women’s match.

University of Santo Amaro (UNISA) men’s futsal players were first spotted on the edge of the pitch with their pants pulled down to their ankles as the school’s team began celebrating their victory in the volleyball championship at the University of São Camilo.

The naked men then rushed onto the court in one fell swoop and paraded around the gymnasium touching their genitals, much to the dismay of the volleyball players and fans remaining in the stands.

The incident, confirmed by the University of São Camilo, took place in April, but the grotesque images were made public for the first time on Sunday evening.

Members of the University of Santo Amaro (UNISA) men’s futsal players expose their genitals moments after the school’s women’s volleyball team won a championship match in April. Video of the incident was made public on Sunday and led to the university’s expulsion of six students on Monday.

Brazilian medical students rushed onto a volleyball court after their school, the University of Santo Amaro, crowned itself the winner of a women’s volleyball tournament at the University of São Camilo.

The University of Santo Amaro announced Monday that it had expelled six students. Their names have not been released.

“Unisa, an institution with over 55 years of history, vehemently rejects this type of behavior, which is completely contrary to its history and values,” the school said in a statement.

The São Paulo civil police announced that they had opened an investigation into this incident, punishable by a sentence of three months to one year in prison.

Camilo Santana, who oversees the Ministry of Education, gave the management of the University of Santo Amaro a deadline of 15 days “to know the measures” that will be taken.

São Paulo Civil Police are investigating an April incident in which members of the University of Santo Amaro men’s futsal team ran onto the court after winning the women’s volleyball championship at the University of São Camilo and masturbated in a group.

Brazil’s Education Ministry University of Santo Amaro has 15 days to develop ‘measures’ to take after members of men’s futsal team storm University sports field from São Camilo and masturbated in a group.

“I vehemently reject what happened,” he said in a statement. “It is unacceptable that future doctors act with such a lack of respect for women and courtesy.”

The Ministry of Women criticized the behavior of medical students and said it remained committed to working alongside the Ministry of Education to ensure universities were “free of violence”.

“Breaking centuries of misogynistic culture is an ongoing task that requires careful examination of all types of gender-based violence,” she said in a statement. “Attitudes like those of Unisa medical students can never be normalized; they must be fought with the rigor of the law. »

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