Shocking discovery in ordinary airport luggage scan: Young woman in big trouble after arriving at Sydney Airport

An American woman faces a prison sentence of up to 25 years after she was allegedly caught with illegal drugs worth $12 million.

The 27-year-old woman, who was on a flight from San Francisco, was arrested by Australian Border Police officers at Sydney Airport on Monday.

While processing the woman, officers were alerted to a suspicious substance after an X-ray of her luggage was covered in blue spots.

Officers searched the woman’s bag and cut open the linings of several jackets. They found small packets hidden in the seams.

Investigation revealed that the packages contained methamphetamine.

Australian Border Patrol agents searched an American woman’s luggage after an X-ray of her bag was covered in blue spots (pictured)

Australian Federal Police reportedly seized 13kg of the drug from the clothing, equivalent to approximately 130,000 individual street deals, with a total value of more than $12 million.

AFP Chief Inspector Dom Stephenson said the arrest should serve as a warning to other drug smugglers.

“The AFP and ABF are working closely to ensure illicit drugs do not enter the Australian community,” Det-Supt Stephenson said.

“(We) will not tolerate criminal syndicates attempting to exploit our airports to import harmful, illegal substances.”

ABF Chief Inspector Mal Nimmo commended officers for investigating the alleged ‘anomaly’ that appeared on the X-ray.

“Criminal syndicates will use any means necessary to try to bring these dangerous substances into our country,” Supt Nimmo said.

“In this case, our highly qualified ABF officers have spotted an anomaly beneath the seams – they are prepared for anything – to prevent illegal drugs from crossing the Australian border.

“Methamphetamine is an extremely destructive drug, we are doing everything we can to reduce the harm Australians face.”

Officers searched the woman's bag and cut open the lining of several jackets (pictured), where they found small parcels hidden in the seams

Officers searched the woman’s bag and cut open the lining of several jackets (pictured), where they found small parcels hidden in the seams

Tests showed the packages contained methamphetamine (photo)

Tests showed the packages contained methamphetamine (photo)

ABF Chief Inspector Mal Nimmo praised officers who spotted the alleged ‘anomaly under the seams’ of the jackets.

The woman was arrested and charged with importing a commercial quantity of a border-controlled drug, which carries a maximum prison sentence of 25 years.

The woman was taken into custody and will appear at Downing Center Local Court on May 1.