Shankar Mishra, Wells Fargo VP of operations, fired after urinating on 72-year-old woman


A vice president of banking giant Wells Fargo has been sacked after he was accused of urinating on a 72-year-old woman while traveling between New York City and Mumbai.

The incident involving Shankar Mishra occurred on November 26 in the business class cabin of an Air India flight. Mishra’s lawyers claimed the old man “tolerated” the act, according to multiple reports in India.

In a statement to, Wells Fargo said the company “holds employees to the highest standards of professional and personal behavior and we find these allegations deeply disturbing.”

The press release went on to say that Mishra, 34, vice president of operations in India, had been ‘sacked’.

Multiple reports in India say that Mishra, a Mumbai resident, was allegedly drunk at the time of the incident. New Delhi police have yet to question Mishra about the incident because they have been unable to locate him.

The incident involving Shankar Mishra, pictured here, occurred on November 26 in the business class cabin of an Air India flight.

The incident involving Shankar Mishra, pictured here, occurred on November 26 in the business class cabin of an Air India flight.

Through his lawyers, Mishra alleges that the woman “tolerated” the action and that he compensated her and paid for the cleaning of her clothes and bags.

Mishra’s lawyers say they have What’s App messages between the bank executive and the woman to back up their claim. However, the lawyers said the woman returned the compensation and made a report to Air India.

In the woman’s complaint, the 72-year-old man said the incident occurred after the crew served lunch and turned off the lights. She accuses Mishra, who previously worked at Citi Bank, of stumbling a few seats back, unbuttoning her pants, and urinating on her.

She only stopped when the passenger sitting next to her told her to, the woman wrote.

She said she asked the cabin crew to arrange for Mishra to be arrested upon landing. Instead, she was forced to sit near him in the crew seats during the flight and was forbidden by the captain to sit in first class, where there were empty seats.

The crew gave him a set of pajamas and shoes and sprayed disinfectant on his belongings.

She alleges that Mishra began to sob and asked her not to file a complaint.

1673088966 737 Shankar Mishra Wells Fargo VP of operations fired after urinating

1673088966 737 Shankar Mishra Wells Fargo VP of operations fired after urinating

In a statement to, Wells Fargo says it “holds employees to the highest standards of professional and personal behavior and we find these allegations deeply disturbing.”

During an interview with India Today TV, Mishra's father, Shyam Mishra, said that his son had not slept for 72 hours before urinating (file photo)

During an interview with India Today TV, Mishra's father, Shyam Mishra, said that his son had not slept for 72 hours before urinating (file photo)

During an interview with India Today TV, Mishra’s father, Shyam Mishra, said that his son had not slept for 72 hours before urinating (file photo)

During an interview with indian tv today, Mishra’s father, Shyam Mishra, said his son had not slept for 72 hours prior to urination.

He said: ‘This is a totally false case. My son was traveling from the United States. He hadn’t slept for 72 hours. He could have had a drink on the flight and slept. What happened after that, even he doesn’t know. It is very difficult to prove.

The elder Mishra added: ‘I don’t think he would have done this. The woman is 72 years old, she is like a mother to him. He went on to claim that there were no eyewitnesses to the incident.

He also said he has not been able to contact his son.

Mishra faces charges of committing an obscene act in a public place, assault or criminal force on a woman with intent to insult her modesty, word, gesture or act intended to insult a woman’s modesty, and public misconduct by an intoxicated person. .

New Delhi police have yet to question Mishra about the incident because they have been unable to locate him.

New Delhi police have yet to question Mishra about the incident because they have been unable to locate him.

New Delhi police have yet to question Mishra about the incident because they have been unable to locate him.

Following the incident, Air India drew criticism from the General Civil Aviation Directorate, who said in a statement: “The conduct of the airline concerned appears to be unprofessional and has led to systemic failure.”

The victim’s statement to Air India is read, via NDTV: “I was shocked when he started crying and apologizing profusely to me, begging me not to file a complaint against him because he is a family man and he didn’t want his wife and son to be affected by this incident.”

She continued: ‘In my already distraught state, I became further disoriented having to confront and negotiate with the perpetrator of the horrific incident up close. I told him his actions were inexcusable, but with his pleading and pleading in front of me, and my own shock and trauma, I found it difficult to insist on his arrest or press charges against him.

Strangely, an almost identical incident occurred on an Air India flight between Paris and New Delhi on December 6. A drunk passenger is accused of urinating on a female passenger. The victim did not press charges after receiving a written apology, according to NDTV.