Shaggy reveals Prince Harry is an unlikely fan of his and recalls the joke The Duke of Sussex made during their first meeting

Shaggy reveals Prince Harry is an unlikely fan of his and remembers the joke the Duke of Sussex made when they first met

Shaggy has revealed that Prince Harry is an unlikely fan of his.

The 54-year-old singer made the revelation Friday morning during a performance in Lorraine for captivated presenter Christine Lampard.

Shaggy also recalled the joke The Duke of Sussex made during their first meeting, which took place when Prince Harry visited a children’s hospital in Jamaica that supports the Reggae star.

He said: ‘There is a hospital that I support, the Bustamante Hospital, and his mother is said to have founded it. He supported it like Di did before. He came to visit. Being the patron of the hospital, I was one of the guys who met him.

“My daughter wanted to see a prince at the time. He just walked up to her, looked at me, shook my hand and said, “It wasn’t me.” That was one of those situations.

Not really! On Friday’s episode of Lorraine Friday, 54-year-old Shaggy revealed that Prince Harry is an unlikely fan of his and recalled the joke the Duke of Sussex made when they first met

Joker: Shaggy said of meeting Prince Harry at a children's hospital in Jamaica,

Joker: Shaggy said of meeting Prince Harry at a children’s hospital in Jamaica, “He looked at me, shook my hand and said, ‘It wasn’t me’.”

Shaggy’s most successful song, It Wasn’t Me, tells the story of one man’s dilemma after being caught cheating on his girlfriend. Although a controversial hit at the time, it became the biggest selling UK single of 2001.

The star, who has two sons from a previous relationship and three daughters with wife Rebecca, is known for his sexually charged lyrics, with many of his songs detailing his appreciation for beautiful women.

Elsewhere in Lorraine, Shaggy talked about his upcoming performance at the Notting Hill Carnival.

He said, “I’ve done this carnival a few times. The weather was bad, but everyone took to the streets and had a good time. Any belief in racial colors embraces the Caribbean culture.

About his latest single, he explained: ‘The single was written in the middle of the pandemic. The album is called In The Mood. You put it on and it feels like one big party.’

When asked how he can do so much and how he’s had such a long career, Shaggy admitted, “I’m allergic to boredom. I’m not afraid.

“I don’t think you can achieve greatness without feeling uncomfortable. If I feel like I’m getting too comfortable, I’ll go for that challenge.

‘I keep my finger on the pulse. When a culture changes, you want to be a part of it. It drives me, it makes me want to get up. I am full of gratitude for the 30-year career I’ve had. If I’m not playing Gratitude on a show, people in my DMs are berating me.

Legend: The superstar also spoke about his collaboration with fellow artist Sting, confessing:

Legend: The superstar also spoke about his collaboration with fellow artist Sting, confessing: “We went into the studio to record one song… He’s the brother I didn’t know I needed”

The superstar also spoke about his collaboration with fellow artist Sting, confessing: ‘We went into the studio to record one song.

“During that session we had more fun than work and that one song turned into an album and then a tour.

“He’s the brother I didn’t know I needed.”