‘Sexual predator’ who saw intercourse as a ‘marital right’ joins six other ‘rape accomplices’ taking the stand in Monster of Avignon trial, as one defendant’s ex-wife tells victim: ‘I can I don’t understand why he did this to you

A ‘sexual predator’ who saw sexual intercourse as a ‘marital right’ will this week join six other suspects taking their stand in France’s Monster of Avignon trial, as the court today heard damning assessments from psychologists .

Jerome Vilela, a supermarket worker and volunteer firefighter, is among those accused of raping Gisele Pelicot while she was drugged and asleep, accompanied by her then-husband. As many as fifty men are accused, many of whom deny the charges.

Vilela was described by his ex-partner as a “sex addict” and manipulator who had extramarital relationships with people he was “not attracted to” so as not to form attachments, a court psychologist said.

Psychologist Lucy Segnarbieux told how successful builder Thierry Parisis, one of the men suspected of abusing Ms Pelicot in her Mazan home, fell into despair after the death of his son, Jimmy, in a road accident on New Year’s Day 2016.

In evidence in his defense, Parisis’ ex-wife Corinne told the Vaucluse criminal court in Avignon how he tried to commit suicide in January 2021 on the anniversary of his son’s death and was twice admitted to a psychiatric hospital.’

When the judge asked how often her ex-husband drank alcohol, she replied: “Some days he started drinking in the morning.” Then she turned to Madame Pelicot and said, “Madam, I don’t understand why he did this to you.”

Gisele Pelicot arrives at the courthouse in Avignon on Monday for the trial of her husband

Mrs. Pelicot has attended most of the hearings because her husband is accused of raping her

Mrs. Pelicot has attended most of the hearings because her husband is accused of raping her

Her story has sparked a wave of demonstrations across France in her support

Her story has sparked a wave of demonstrations across France in her support

Dominique Pelicot has admitted to repeatedly drugging his wife over the past decade and inviting strange men to rape her while he filmed them

Dominique Pelicot has admitted to repeatedly drugging his wife over the past decade and inviting strange men to rape her while he filmed them

Dominique Pelicot, who allegedly drugged and raped his wife Gisele Pelicot, appears at his trial on September 17 (right)

Dominique Pelicot, who allegedly drugged and raped his wife Gisele Pelicot, appears at his trial on September 17 (right)

About 50 men are accused of being complicit in Ms. Pelicot’s rape over a period of nearly a decade. The case continues to rock France, with many thousands taking to the streets in support of the victim.

Most deny they are rapists and claim they were “tricked” by Pelicot, who told them his wife had agreed to participate in a sex game where she pretended to be asleep during sex.

Detectives discovered around 20,000 graphic images he had collected of the rape of his wife when he was arrested in 2020 after being caught taking pictures under the skirts of women in his local supermarket.

This week, seven men – including a hospital nurse, a construction worker and a pastry chef – will testify in the trial.

Thierry Parisis is among those accused of abusing Ms Pelicot.

Psychologist Lucy Segnarbieux presented her findings today to the Vaucluse criminal court in Avignon.

She said: ‘(Parisian’s) daughter speaks of a “great childhood” before the great tragedy when her brother was killed in a road accident aged just 18.

‘From that moment on, Thierry Parisis’ life collapsed.

‘He fell into alcoholism and depression. And eventually he left the family home because he could no longer bear to stay in this house where there were pictures of his son everywhere.”

Jerome Vilela was described as a “sex addict” who believed that sexual intercourse was a “marital right” and had extramarital affairs with people he was “not attracted to” in order to avoid attachment.

Elisa Scheidt told the court today: ‘Vilela’s ex-partner painted the portrait of a man with two faces, a seducer, a liar and a manipulator of women. She described him as a sexual predator who demanded sexual intercourse with high frequency.

“Vilela is a sex addict who believes intercourse within a couple is marital and demanded sex every night.”

She added: “Vilela told me he didn’t want to form attachments, so he had extra marital relationships with people he wasn’t attracted to: obese women, men and transvestites.”

Vilela, who is in custody, listened intently from the secure dock in the courtroom.

The court was also told how hospital nurse Redouan El Farihi became desperate for a child after failing to conceive with his first and then second wife.

But the dream of having his first child was shattered when the adoption of a little girl from his native Morocco was abruptly halted following his arrest for rape.

The court found that Jean Tirano, a pastry chef turned roofer originally from RĂ©union, France in the Indian Ocean, had fallen into a life of heavy drinking and drug use while working in France.

Main defendant Pelicot was not in court this morning because he has to undergo surgery in hospital today due to a serious liver and bladder condition that two weeks ago threatened to cause the entire trial to fail.

Dominique PĂ©licot is accused of recruiting men online for a decade to repeatedly assault his wife

Dominique PĂ©licot is accused of recruiting men online for a decade to repeatedly assault his wife

Dominique Pelicot appears during his trial with 50 co-defendants at the courthouse in Avignon, France, September 17, 2024

Dominique Pelicot appears during his trial with 50 co-defendants at the courthouse in Avignon, France, September 17, 2024

The abuse took place in the town of Mazan, in the south of France, and only came to light after the man was caught covering up for women in a local supermarket, prompting officers to search his home.

The abuse took place in the town of Mazan, in the south of France, and only came to light after the man was caught covering up for women in a local supermarket, prompting officers to search his home.

Judge Roger Arata told the court: “Monsieur Pelicot is ill. He has to undergo a medical procedure today, this afternoon.

“He’s excused for today. We hope to see him again tomorrow.’

His lawyer Beatrice Zavarro had told AFP on Sunday that the investigation was “going well”.

Pelicot has admitted to the charges against him.

He is being tried alongside 50 other men aged between 26 and 74, many of whom have denied rape charges. Most face up to 20 years in prison if convicted of aggravated rape.

Gisele Pelicot, who only discovered the abuse in 2020 after police informed her, has called for the trial to be opened to the public to raise awareness about using drugs to commit sexual abuse.

The case continues.