Sex attacker is jailed for nine years for strangling and raping woman who came to his aid

Sex attacker gets nine years in prison for strangling and raping a woman who came to his aid when he was injured during a night out

  • Jordan Campbell punched the woman in the face, strangled and raped her at his home
  • The 30-year-old, who has 37 convictions from 78 offenses, was given 15 years

A man has been sentenced to nine years in prison for strangling and raping a Good Samaritan who came to his aid after he was injured on a night out.

The woman approached Jordan Campbell when she saw he was injured and helped him home, but when she left he became aggressive and attacked her.

The 30-year-old, who has 37 convictions from 78 offences, punched the woman in the face, strangled and raped her before she left.

Over the next five days, he bombarded the woman, who had previously given him her phone number, with a series of threatening video calls, phone calls and messages.

When she later went to the police, Campbell of Southampton was arrested and charged with rape, deliberate strangulation, controlling and coercive conduct and harassment.

Jordan Campbell (pictured), 30, punched a woman in the face, strangled her and raped her at his home

Campbell was convicted of rape, willful strangulation, controlling and coercive behavior and harassment, and was given a 15-year extension at Southampton Crown Court (pictured)

Campbell was convicted of rape, willful strangulation, controlling and coercive behavior and harassment, and was given a 15-year extension at Southampton Crown Court (pictured)

He was convicted of the offenses following a trial at Southampton Crown Court and has now been sentenced to 15 years in prison.

The court heard he assaulted his victim after she came to his aid following an incident in the Southampton area on Friday 16 September last year.

The woman suffered bruises to her face, neck and chest as a result of the attack in a room in Campbell’s home.

In a victim impact statement, she said the incident “made me feel like I lost control of who I am. Every dignity I had was gone.”

Campbell received an extended 15-year prison sentence – nine years in prison plus a six-year prison term with extended license.

He was also sentenced to two years for the non-fatal strangulation offense and 12 months for harassment, to be served concurrently.

Judge Peter Henry told him, “Strangling people is extremely dangerous.

“There’s a razor-thin difference between someone being left alive, brain-damaged, or dead.

“I have no doubt that you are at great risk of doing serious damage.”

A restraining order was also issued prohibiting him from contacting his victim.

Campbell has 37 convictions from 78 offenses.

After the case, Detective Joanne Boyd said, “I am hopeful that the sentencing will allow the victim to come to terms with her ordeal, give her that closure and move on with her life, knowing that Jordan Campbell can no longer harm her.” . ‘