SEVEN signs someone has been snooping on your phone to read your WhatsApp texts or browsing history


Have you ever had the feeling that someone has been using your mobile phone while you were out of the room or asleep?

Whether you have something to hide or not, experts have revealed seven tell-tale signs that are indicators that you may not be the only person accessing your mobile phone.

Now all you need to worry about is facing them.

You may also be interested in following these five steps that could increase your Wi-Fi speed by up to 50%.

1. Check your internet history

First things first is the oldest trick in the book: check your internet history.

Now, if you’re dealing with an experienced phone spy, chances are they weren’t easily mistaken for this.

But even then, checking your browsing history could reveal that someone has been on your phone without you knowing.

Who knows what that might spew…

Checking your internet history could reveal that someone else has been on your phone without you knowing

Oldest Trick in the Book: Check Your Internet History

2. View your app carousel

If your phone snooper was smart enough to delete your browsing history, they may have missed the app carousel.

This can be accessed on iPhones when you swipe up from the bottom of the screen and pause in the center for a moment.

For older models, you can also double-click the start button.

The carousel reveals the order of your most recently used apps, which means that if something unexpected pops up, there may be something wrong.

The carousel reveals the order of your most recently used apps

3. There is unusually high data usage

Are you getting the dreaded text message that your data allowance has almost run out for the month a little earlier than normal?

That could indicate that someone has been on your phone more than usual.

You might only be able to spot this if someone has been seriously snooping around your phone, but unusually high data usage could still be a sign.

4. Messages have been read without your knowledge

Another clear way to spot unusual activity is if all your messages appear as read when you haven’t actually clicked on them.

You may start receiving messages from friends asking why you haven’t responded, for example.

Unfortunately for all phone spies, you can’t stop reading a message. This makes it a bit easier to catch them!

Maybe the reason you’re so bad at replying to messages is because a phone spy has been secretly reading them all!

5. Screen time

Similar to high levels of data usage, if your screen time suddenly spiked, that can be another indicator that someone has been on your phone without your knowledge.

By going into your settings, you can see all the activity on your screen time.

In addition to monitoring the total time you’ve spent on your phone, you can also check which apps you were in at what time of day.

For example, if you know you weren’t on your phone at 1pm but your screen time activity says you were on Instagram, this could give you all the evidence of spying you need.

6. You receive weird or offensive text messages

Perhaps your phone spy has heard of the above advice and then deletes any conversations you had.

If you then start receiving strange or angry messages from people who seem to have been chatting with you, this could be another sign of foul play.

Let’s hope whoever was snooping on your phone didn’t piss anyone off…

An unexpected strange text from someone could be a sign of unusual activity

7. Deterioration of battery life

Last but not least, a fairly simple way to check if someone has been on your phone is to check the battery life.

If, out of nowhere, your battery life suddenly drops to red, this could be a sign of unusual activity.

Steadily deteriorating battery life, however, could just be a sign that you need an upgrade… If

If your battery life suddenly drops to red, this could be a sign of unusual activity

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