Seven people treated in a British hospital after taking sleep medication zopiclone

Seven people have been taken to hospital after taking the sleeping drug zopiclone, raising concerns about a “potentially contaminated batch”.

Cleveland Police said on Friday they received reports that the adults had been taken to North Tees General Hospital in Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham.

Police are also investigating the death of a man allegedly taking zopiclone.

Police said: “Officers are warning drug users of a potentially contaminated batch that could cause serious illness or overdose.

“Officers are also investigating the death of a man believed to have taken zopiclone.

“Enquiries are still ongoing and anyone with information or concerns about drugs in the community is urged to call Cleveland Police on 101.”

Zopiclone, which is most commonly used to treat insomnia, takes about an hour to work and helps users fall asleep faster and avoid waking up during the night.

The drug is usually taken in tablet form, but doctors may also prescribe it in liquid form.

According to the NHS website, it activates a calming chemical in the brain called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

The NHS warns against drinking alcohol after taking the drug as it can cause a “deep sleep where it is difficult to wake up”.

According to the NHS, users can become dependent on zopiclone. The drug is only prescribed for two to four weeks, as it becomes less effective as the body becomes used to it.