Serial cheater and sex addict says he wants Neuralink brain chip implant to save his marriage

A serial cheater asked Reddit users if he should be a ‘Neuralink hamster’ to rid himself of his constant need to be unfaithful to his wife.

The user who goes by Electronic-Camera277 said in a Reddit post that he hopes Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain chip implant can cure him of his endless bouts of infidelity to save his marriage.

Although serial cheating, also known as sex addiction, is considered a disease, psychologists say it’s something you can overcome with therapy — meaning a brain chip implant might not be the most effective way to stay faithful to your partner.

A Reddit user said he has been unfaithful to his wife more times than he can count and is considering the Neuralink brain chip implant to cure him of his infidelity

“Reddit is a hotbed for conversations and opinions about infidelity – it’s one of the first platforms cheaters turn to for advice, but the response and support has been mixed,” Jessic Leoni, an infidelity expert at, told me. Daily star.

“There is no doubt that Neuralink is a long way from being a solution to serial cheating and addiction treatment in general – no matter how big Elon Musk’s claims are.”

Neuralink successfully implanted its first chip last month as part of the PRIME trial, which aims to let people with quadriplegics control devices with their thoughts, such as opening an app, clicking or moving a cursor up and down .

Neuralink’s brain chip is currently being tested to treat people with quadriplegia

“The device is designed to interpret a person’s neural activity so that he or she can control a computer or smartphone simply by thinking of movement – ​​no wires or physical movements are required,” the company said.

But for all the potential capabilities the Neuralink brain chip has, healing someone’s mental health, and specifically their need for infidelity, is not one of them.

The Reddit user said he has cheated on his wife ‘more times than I can count’ and claimed he has had therapy to treat his sex addiction but still finds it difficult to stop.

This thought process led him to research and consider alternative treatments, he said, adding, “I’m so desperate that I’m even considering Elon Musk’s Neuralink implant to help treat addiction.”

He then asked the Reddit community, “Will my wife ever forgive me? Should I tell her? Should I be a Neuralink hamster/is it worth a try?’

Elon Musk said he hopes the chip could eventually help regulate people’s moods and cure ailments

Musk has boasted for years that his Neuralink brain chip could be used to regulate people’s hormones and emotional well-being and could be an eventual breakthrough for people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or treatment-resistant depression.

In 2020, the tech titan claimed that the Neuralink chip has the ability to control emotions and moods and can even be used to treat addiction.

A Twitter user asked Musk at the time, “Can Neuralink be used to retrain the part of the brain responsible for causing addiction or depression?” The Independent reported.

Musk replied, “Sure. This is both amazing and terrifying. Everything we have ever felt or thought has been electrical signals.

Despite a controversial history of animal testing, the first human has been implanted with a chip from Elon Musk’s Neuralink company

‘The early universe was just a soup of quarks and leptons. How did a very small part of the universe come to regard itself as conscious?’

The reality is that the technology is not there yet and those seeking treatment for sexual addiction, like Electronic-Camera277, should explore more effective and established methods such as counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBD).

CBD is the most common form of therapy for sex addiction because it helps the patient identify and process the thought patterns and beliefs that led them to this point.

But many Reddit users called out Electronic-Camera277 and told him not to blame his infidelity on “sex addiction,” a sentiment shared by the Center for Positive Sexuality (CPS), the Alternative Sexualities Health Research Alliance (TASHRA), and the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF).

The groups wrote in a 2017 rack that so-called sexual “addictions” may be the result of a person’s cultural or religious beliefs rather than actual scientific data.

The concept of sex addiction “emerged in the 1980s as a socially conservative response to cultural fears,” the authors wrote, “and has gained acceptance through its reliance on medicalization and the visibility of popular culture.”

Compulsive sexual behavior is not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) – the reference guide for mental disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association.

The APA rejected a proposal to include sex addiction (hypersexual disorder) in the DSM-5 manual, citing “there was a lack of evidence and the possible consequences of calling excessive sexual activity a ‘pathology’ (it is a disease or disorder). according to Cleveland Clinic.

Reddit users seemed to echo this idea, with one writing, “Every time you cheat on her, you make a conscious decision to do so.

‘… You meet people there, save their numbers, go on dates, arrange locations, make up lies to both your wife and the people you meet.

‘It rarely just happens or ‘happens’.

While Electronic-Camera277 echoes the problems many others face and tries to turn to Neuralink for help, the reality is that brain chip implants are not the answer anytime soon and reportedly won’t be the answer.

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