Sergey Brin visited Jeffrey Epstein's 'pedophile island' with ex-wife Anne Wojcicki to 'test out kitesurfing equipment with the girls', court documents allege

  • Brin and Anne Wojcicki were named in new documents from Epstein files on Monday
  • Sarah Ransolme says Brin 'wanted to try kitesurfing with us girls'



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Google co-founder Sergey Brin and his ex-wife Anne Wojcicki visited Jeffrey Epstein's “pedophile island,” according to new court documents made public today.

Brin was previously linked to Epstein in lawsuits detailing how the late pedophile lured Brin into doing business with JPMorgan Chase. According to Epstein victim Sarah Ransolme, he also visited Little St. James, Epstein's island in the Caribbean.

Ransolme told columnist Maureen Callahan in 2016 that she had a photo of herself with Brin on the island.

She said at the time that he and Wojcicki were engaged. The couple married in 2007 and divorced in 2015.

In a 2016 email to journalist Maureen Callahan, Epstein victim Sarah Ransolme alleged that Sergey Brin visited Little St. James with his ex-wife Anne Wojcicki while they were engaged.

In one email, Ransome claims to have photos of Sergey Brin on Epstein's island. She said he was there with his then-fiancée, Anne Wojcicki

In her email to Callahan, who was working for The New York Post at the time, Ransolme said: “I also have other photos of the Epstein girls and I while I was on the island, including a few photos of me with Sergey Brin and his then finance (sic) Anne Wojcicki.

'I met the pair when they visited the island for a day as Sergey wanted to try out his new kitesurfing equipment as he had only just started kitesurfing and was keen to try out his new kitesurfing equipment with us girls.'

Ransolme also claimed Epstein filmed former presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump having sex with women – claims she later retracted.

Both Clinton and Trump denied her allegations, as did Virgin billionaire Richard Branson, who was also included in the documents.

It was previously alleged that Epstein convinced Brin, worth an estimated $109 billion, to do business with JPMorgan Chase, the bank that continued to manage Epstein's own money even after he was convicted of soliciting child prostitution in Florida.

Court documents show Brin's dealings with the bank totaled more than $4 billion.

Never-before-seen footage shows young women at his private island home in 2006

The new documents, released Monday, were previously sealed as part of a 2015 lawsuit between Maxwell and her most prominent accuser, Virginia Giuffre.

The new documents were previously sealed as part of a 2015 lawsuit between Maxwell and her most prominent accuser Giuffre. Epstein is seen at his island estate

He was one of their top clients, according to a memo filed as part of that lawsuit.

Brin was subpoenaed last March along with Hyatt hotel heir Thomas Pritzker as part of the lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase.

The bank settled separate cases with multiple Epstein victims and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Brin was set to be deposed as part of the Virgin Islands case before the $75 million settlement in September.

In each lawsuit, prosecutors alleged that banks enabled Epstein to operate a sex trafficking ring in which they say they were abused.

Epstein committed suicide in jail while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges in 2019.

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