Senate confirms new energy regulators, extending Biden’s grip on panel that backs renewable energy

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden’s hold on a key federal energy commission will last longer than his first term, boosting the Democrat’s push for renewable energy regardless of November’s election results.

The Senate took steps to ensure political reality as lawmakers approved two new members of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and already scheduled a vote Thursday on a third new panel member.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said the confirmation of the three nominees would allow FERC to “maintain its quorum and continue its mission to provide Americans with affordable, reliable and safe energy.”

The five-member commission oversees natural gas pipelines and other energy infrastructure, including the transmission of electricity across state lines. The panel approved a long-awaited rule last month making it easier to transport renewable energy, such as wind and solar energy, to the electricity grid — a key part of Biden’s goal eliminate greenhouse gas emissions across the economy by 2050. The rule is intended to boost the country’s aging power grid to meet rising demand fueled by massive data centers, electrification of vehicles and buildings, artificial intelligence and other applications.

Earlier this week the agency made approved a request from the nearly $8 billion Mountain Valley Pipeline to start sending natural gas over rugged mountainsides in West Virginia and Virginia, despite longstanding objections from environmental groups, landowners and some elected officials.

On Wednesday, the Senate approved the nominations of Democrat David Rosner and Republican Lindsay See for three- and four-year terms, respectively, on the committee. Senators limited debate on Democrat Judy Chang’s nomination to a five-year term. A final vote on Chang’s nomination to replace Democrat Allison Clements could take place as soon as Thursday.

If the vote is approved as expected, it would give Democrats a working majority on the committee until at least June 2026, when Democratic Chairman Willie Phillips’ term ends.

“A fully established, bipartisan FERC provides greater opportunity to advance long-term, sensible energy infrastructure policy,” said Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, an independent-turned-Democrat who chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

“When it comes to fair consideration of all interests, five heads are better than one,” Manchin said Wednesday. “Bringing together five different people, with five different life experiences and perspectives, helps ensure that all interests involved are heard and fairly considered and assessed” by the Energy Commission.

Rosner, See and Chang “are very different people, from very different backgrounds,” said Manchin, who supported all three nominees. “What matters most is their willingness to cooperate with each other, to reasonably consider and evaluate differing interests and viewpoints, and to set aside partisan passions in favor of the common good.”

Rosner, a former FERC employee, has served on Manchin’s Democratic staff on the Energy Committee for the past two years. See, who serves as attorney general for the state of West Virginia, argued the state’s case and challenged a major The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency judges pollution from power plants before the Supreme Court. Chang, from Massachusetts, is a former undersecretary of energy and climate solutions for the state government.

Manchin said he knows Rosner well: “I have seen firsthand his expert knowledge of energy issues, his honesty, his impartial approach to every issue we have had, and his ability to work with both parties on these issues, and he has done so immensely. .”

Manchin, a political moderate who plays a crucial role on energy issues, called See “a highly skilled and experienced attorney” who is “well qualified to serve on the committee.”

Chang, who now teaches at Harvard’s Kennedy School, led energy policy under Republican Gov. Charlie Baker. “I can think of no better preparation to serve on a bipartisan committee than working for a Republican administration in a very blue state,” Manchin said.

Rosner’s nomination was approved, 67-27, while See received approval, 83-12.

Democratic Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia opposed both nominations, saying he was still dissatisfied with federal approval of the Mountain Valley Pipeline, a longtime priority of Manchin.

“I voted no on dumping the same old people at FERC,” Kaine said in a statement.

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