Sen. Lindsey Graham laughs nervously after being shown video of Trump sharing his VERY honest thoughts about him

  • Trump says he ‘doesn’t care’ what advice Sen. Graham has for his campaign

Lindsey Graham laughed at an awkward moment when CNN showed him a moment when Donald Trump ignored the South Carolina Republican’s advice.

Along with other Republicans, Sen. Graham is urging Trump to stop making personal attacks and focus on pushing policy in the months leading up to the November election.

But Trump isn’t listening to his Republican ally — and Graham laughed off the latest criticism.

“Well, I spoke to him a couple days ago,” Graham told CNN’s State of the Union host Jake Tapper on Sunday.

“He and I are good,” the senator said. “We’re going to be together. I’m going to Georgia with him. We’re going to try to have a unity event in Georgia to bring this whole party together.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham laughed it off when confronted on CNN with a video of Donald Trump saying he “doesn’t care” what advice the South Carolina lawmaker has for his 2024 campaign.

“I will stand with him in this election. I am proud of what he has done as our president.”

Asked about Graham’s advice for his campaign, the former president said, “Look, I like Lindsay. I don’t care what he says, OK? Lindsey wouldn’t have been elected if I hadn’t supported him. So, you know, South Carolina, Lindsey is my friend.”

Graham has become less popular among MAGA supporters, with many booing him even when he is on stage with Trump.

But the former president is abandoning his first deputy in the 2024 race and still backing the senator despite ignoring his advice.

Trump’s modus operandi is to use personal attacks to attack his political rivals. His base loves to hear the latest insulting nickname he can come up with for those he tackles at his rallies.

Senator Graham wants Trump to focus more on policy and tone down his personal attacks on rivals

Senator Graham wants Trump to focus more on policy and tone down his personal attacks on rivals

However, some, including Graham, want their 2024 candidate to focus more on the policies they believe will lead them to victory in November.

“President Trump, when he was president of our country, we had the safest border in 40 years. Gas was $1.87. Russia didn’t invade Ukraine. The Arabs made peace with the Israelis. He has a lot to be proud of,” Graham recounted in his CNN interview Sunday morning.

“I look forward to him coming back and taking over a ship of state that’s teetering,” he continued. “And the best way to win this race is what I’ve been saying all along: Compare what you’ve done as president to the life we’re living now and give people some hope.”