‘Scranton Joe’ no more: Here’s why voters back Donald Trump over ‘decrepit old’ Biden in his OWN hometown

Voters in Biden’s hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, told DailyMail.com they will not support hero Joe in 2024.

President Joe Biden likes to invoke his humble beginnings in the foothills of Pennsylvania when he addresses the country and potential voters. He even made a much-publicized trip to the city last month to rally support.

But voters here disagree with the 81-year-old commander in chief, telling DailyMail.com that life was better for them under former President Donald Trump.

“I was in better shape when Trump was in power,” said Sean, who lives a few doors down from Biden’s childhood home, adding that he now “makes less money” under the current administration.

‘The groceries are way too high. Gas is ridiculous. There’s a lot of different things, but honestly, I don’t trust the Democratic Party anymore.”

Sean, who was previously a Democrat, said the party is now rich with wealthy politicians, something he said does not reflect the conference’s roots.

‘They don’t live in the real world. They all come to power and are now all multi-millionaires, in jobs that don’t pay.’

“So I just wonder why they are there: to help the people or to enrich themselves?”

In total, DailyMail.com spoke to approximately 25 people for this report. Only seven took us along to record interviews. And of those seven, only one voter said they supported Biden.

“I think Biden,” Jamaro said. “I hope he just makes America great again.”

When asked if Biden is the man to deliver on Trump’s 2016 slogan “Make America great again,” he issued a slight revision.

“I say make America better than what it is now with all the oil and gas prices and try to stop all the overseas fighting and things like that so we don’t have to send our troops.”

The exterior of President Joe Biden’s childhood home in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He lived in the house pictured above until he was 10 years old

“Biden has no charges and there is no federal tampering with the election, so that’s why I feel like it’s Biden,” Jamaro said.

In downtown Scranton, just a five-minute drive from Biden’s former home, Shaumay, a medical worker clad in blue scrubs, told DailyMail.com: “Trump has my vote.”

She has lived in the “Electric City” for 20 years, but said that despite her ties to the city, she believes Trump would better represent her priorities.

“No to Joe. He has to go,” she said before laughing at her unintentional rhyme.

Alexander, a military veteran, told DailyMail.com ‘Scranton Joe? No.’

“Can he really remember anything?”

“I’m going for Kennedy because he’s new blood,” Alexander said. “Yes, we need something new in the office, no crooks and no decrepit old people.”

“I’m not voting for a crook and I’m not voting for an old man,” he continued, bashing both Biden and Trump.

“He can’t remember his name,” he continued about Biden. “He needs someone to tell him, ‘Listen, Mr. President, your name is Joe.’

The veteran said America needs fresh ideas and a new candidate — and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is his man for the job. He is running as an independent candidate in 2024.

US President Joe Biden walks with children outside his family home during a visit to Scranton, Pennsylvania, US, April 16, 2024

US President Joe Biden walks with children outside his family home during a visit to Scranton, Pennsylvania, US, April 16, 2024

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.  is born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the son of Catherine Eugenia Finnegan Biden and Joseph Robinette Biden, Sr., and the first of four children

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. is born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the son of Catherine Eugenia Finnegan Biden and Joseph Robinette Biden, Sr., and the first of four children

Outside Biden's childhood home is a sign highlighting his ties to the area

Outside Biden’s childhood home is a sign highlighting his ties to the area

Alexander said that both Biden and Trump are unfit to hold the presidency and that he blames Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  will support in the November elections

Alexander said that both Biden and Trump are unfit to hold the presidency and that he blames Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will support in the November elections

The city in northeastern Pennsylvania has about 75,000 residents

The city in northeastern Pennsylvania has about 75,000 residents

This general view shows a statue of Christopher Columbus at Lackawanna County Courthouse Square in Scranton

This general view shows a statue of Christopher Columbus at Lackawanna County Courthouse Square in Scranton

Another man in downtown Scranton, John, who rocked a patriotic American flag bandana during his interview, told DailyMail.com, “Trump all day.”

“I grew up in New York and your parents told you to vote Democrat. That’s how it is. But now that I see what’s going on, we need a guy like Trump there because he’s not going to play and the country is going downhill.”

“You have people who support Biden in Scranton and now they’re saying ‘we have to do something’ and they’re against Biden.”

“So it’s not because we hate him,” John continued. ‘It’s just the way he runs the country. It’s going downhill. So they’re going to vote for Trump.”

Around town, there were noticeable signs of Biden support, from lawn signs to businesses putting up signs saying Joe had been there.

His influence on the city is clear, only undermined by numerous memorabilia highlighting NBC’s hit show “The Office,” which is based on a fictional Scranton paper company.

However, his supporters were not so easy to recognize.

Stephen, who was interviewed as he sat outside downtown Scranton’s most iconic building, the Lackawanna County Courthouse, also told DailyMail.com that he will support the former president.

“Trump, because I believe he can fix our economy, he’s done it before, he can do it again,” adding, “I hope it’s not too late.”

Many voters in Scranton supported former President Donald Trump

Many voters in Scranton supported former President Donald Trump

Age was a big factor in why some Scranton voters couldn't bring themselves to support Biden

Age was a big factor in why some Scranton voters couldn’t bring themselves to support Biden

Phillip, who owns a ranch around Scranton, said he also supported the former president because of his stance on energy, saying Biden is “shutting off natural gas.”

“On my farm we have great natural gas and oil,” he added.

According to Real Clear Politics, most polls in Pennsylvania currently show Trump leading Biden averageshowing the former president beating the current commander-in-chief by two points.

One at the end of April poll from the New York Times and Siena even shows Trump beating Biden by three points in the Keystone State.

In 2020, Biden narrowly won the state with just over a percent lead.

But the tides can change from blue to red, at least according to those interviewed by DailyMail.com.

“Life was better under Trump than under Biden,” Sean said. ‘You can now compare the two realistically. Everything was better, groceries, gas, everything was better under Trump.”