Schoolgirl with a drawn-on Hitler moustache does a Nazi salute inside a classroom

Schoolgirl with a drawn Hitler mustache gives a Nazi salute in a classroom

Jewish leaders have condemned shocking images of a Melbourne schoolgirl posing as Adolf Hitler in a classroom.

The video features a senior student who is filmed performing a Nazi salute while sporting a drawn mustache that resembles the dictator’s trademark facial hair.

The video also shows a laptop playing a German song, while the student stands with an outstretched arm.

Another student, presumably filming the video, can be heard laughing in the background.

The video, obtained by the Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC), was allegedly filmed for another student’s birthday.

A Melbourne schoolgirl gives the Heil Hitler salute with a drawn mustache to imitate the evil dictator. Image: Delivered

The girl was standing next to a laptop that supposedly played German music. Image: Delivered

ADC president Dr Dvir Abramovich said the student seen in the “sickening and ugly” video should be punished by the school.

“This is the modern face of Holocaust abuse in Victorian public schools, and this growing climate of anti-Semitic hostility has left many Jewish parents questioning whether it is safe to send their children to class every morning,” said Dr Abramovich.

“This young man, who has deliberately and proudly violated the memory of the Holocaust and torn apart the values ​​of respect and inclusion, must be punished, as it is hard to believe that they knew nothing about Hitler’s extermination of six million Jews and millions of others.

“I can’t imagine the pain the grandchild of a Holocaust survivor would have felt if they had walked in on filming or seen the video later.”

Dr. Dvir Abramovich, chairman of the Anti-Defamation Commission, says the video is “sickening and ugly.”

A spokesman for the Ministry of Education told the Herald Sun that any anti-Semitic behavior in schools is disturbing and taken extremely seriously.

“We are working closely with the Victorian Jewish community to strengthen our zero-tolerance approach to anti-Semitism,” he said.

Victorian schools have access to a range of programs designed with the Jewish community to tackle anti-Semitism – including the Courage to Care initiative, learning programs offered in partnership with the Melbourne Holocaust Museum and a dedicated hotline for schools, students and parents to report racism.”

The girls’ school has been contacted for comment.

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