Sarah Michelle Gellar investigates the emergence of a group of werewolves in a teaser for Wolf Pack


Sarah Michelle Gellar starred in the teaser trailer for her new series Wolf Pack, which was released Friday on the official Paramount Plus YouTube channel.

The 45-year-old performer portrays researcher Kristin Ramsey in the clip, where she deals with the creation of a group of supernatural beings.

The actress also participated in a panel at New York Comic Con, in which she and several other cast members discussed their thoughts on the upcoming program.

Starring: Sarah Michelle Gellar was featured in a teaser trailer for Wolf Pack released Friday on the official Paramount Plus YouTube channel

The trailer opens with a massive wildfire breaking out in California’s forests.

The fire causes a school bus used by Everett, played by Armani Jackson, to come to a stop, landing behind the vehicle on the sidewalk.

He then notices a bloody gash on his shoulders when the growl of an invisible creature was heard.

Blake, played by Bella Shepherd, is shown running through the conflagration, and she is eventually cornered in what appeared to be another monster.

Storyline: The 45-year-old artist portrayed researcher Kristin Ramsey in the clip, where she dealt with the rise of a group of supernatural beings

Injured: The fire manages to stop a school bus used by Everett, played by Armani Jackson, which ended up on the curb behind the vehicle

Infected: He then notices a bloody gash on his shoulders when the growl of an invisible creature was heard

Researcher Ramsey was seen talking to an off-screen character and asked them what they had seen.

Everett wakes up in a hospital and pulls a curtain aside after hearing growls coming from the other side.

Blake then notices that she has sustained multiple bloody wounds, after which Luna, played by Chloe Rose Robertson, notices that “something bit you.”

The characters are told they’re “just like us” by an off-screen character, and Luna appears to show off a set of claws.

Changes: Blake then notices that she has sustained multiple bloody wounds, after which Luna, played by Chloe Rose Robertson, finds that ‘something bit you’

Joining the group: The characters are told they’re “just like us” by an off-screen character, and Luna appears to show off a set of claws

Doing her thing: Investigator Ramsey was seen talking to an off-screen character and asked them what they’d seen

A lightning-fast montage of scenes is then shown, after which a cast member looks at various drawings of werewolves, and Ramsey notes that “my favorite is the one with two heads.”

Development on Wolf Pack was first announced to the public last June.

Gellar joined the cast of the program in July and is also one of the executive producers.

Other cast members include Stella Smith, Hollie Bahar and Rio Mangini.

Creative: Then a lightning-fast montage of scenes is shown, after which a cast member looks at various drawings of werewolves, and Ramsey notes that “my favorite is the one with two heads”

Recent Past: Development on Wolf Pack was first announced to the public last June

Sign Up: Gellar joined the cast of the program in July and she also serves as one of the executive producers

Personal: Several characters associated with the program attended the Teen Wolf: Wolf Pack panel

Wolf Pack is currently scheduled to debut on the streaming service on January 26, 2023.

Several figures associated with the program attended the Teen Wolf: Wolf Pack panel.

Gellar made it a point to pick up the microphone during the event and share her thoughts on the program.

The star of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as well as her costars, all posed for a group photo after the panel.

Good times: The star of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as well as her costars, all posed for a group photo after the panel

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