Santander to hire at least 50 bankers as it seeks to beef up its investment banking division

Santander is hiring at least 50 bankers to strengthen its investment banking division

New direction: Santander chairman Ana Botin wants to strengthen the company’s investment banking division

Santander strengthens its investment bank by hiring at least 50 bankers. Spain’s largest bank is best known for its retail operations in Latin America and Europe, including in the UK.

But it aims to become a bigger player in investment banking under chairman Ana Botin, who previously worked for JP Morgan.

The expansion includes hiring bankers, many from hit Credit Suisse, according to Reuters. More than 20 have already been recruited, mainly in the United States, with more to be recruited in Britain and Spain.

In the US, corporate and investment banking staff numbers increased from about 500 at the end of 2019 to about 900, aided by the acquisition of fixed income broker Amherst Pierpont.

In Great Britain, the number of employees increased from 350 to around 700 over the same period.