SAG-AFTRA members have voted over 98% in favor of authorizing video game strike

Yesterday (Monday, September 25), the American trade union The Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA)voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike against the Interactive Media Agreement, which covers its members’ work in games.

As the Hollywood reporter writesa total of 34,687 members cast their votes, which according to a rack published on the SAG-AFTRA website, represented a voting percentage of 27.47% of eligible voters. The members voted 98.32% in favor of approving the strike (they needed at least 75% to get the strike permit approved).

Despite this outcome, there is no guarantee that a strike will occur. The resolution simply gives the union’s National Executive the ability to call one if the bargaining committee is unable to work out an agreement they are happy with during upcoming contract negotiations. Topics discussed include wages, voice stress protection for voice actors, safety for on-camera performers, and protections around AI when it comes to transparency, consent, control, and compensation.

“It’s time for the video game companies to stop playing games and get serious about reaching an agreement on this contract,” said Fran Drescher, the president of SAG-AFTRA. “The outcome of this vote shows that our members understand the existential nature of these negotiations, and that now is the time for these companies – who make billions of dollars and pay their CEOs handsomely – to give our artists an agreement that will also be in video continues to perform. games as a viable career.”

According to SAG-AFTRAThe companies it is negotiating with include Activision Productions, Epic Games, Electronic Arts Productions, WB Games Inc. and others. These negotiations have been going on since October 2022.

SAG-AFTRA stated: “Throughout the negotiations, the companies have refused to offer acceptable terms on some of the most critical issues for our members, including wages that keep pace with inflation, protections against exploitative use of artificial intelligence and basic security measures. ”

The union says the negotiating committee and the National Council will “do everything possible to reach an agreement without a strike.”

At this time, it is not clear whether this news could affect anyone upcoming matchesbut if you’re looking for something new to play right now, you can check out our recommendations for the best pc games.

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