Russia claims attacks on Ukrainian Patriot systems; Kiev calls it bait

The Patriot system, which has proven extremely effective in this war and of which Ukraine has very few, is at the top of Moscow’s target list. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Russia said on Sunday it had hit two Patriot air defense systems, but Ukraine claimed Moscow had hit decoy targets intended to waste expensive enemy missiles.

The Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement that the attack took place in the area of ​​the Black Sea port of Yuzhne, adding that a radar station had also been destroyed. It said that Iskander-M ballistic missiles had been used.

Ukrainian Air Force Commander Mykola Oleshchuk responded to videos of the attack in a Telegram post Saturday night, saying Russia had attacked Ukrainian Patriot missile systems.

Reuters could not independently verify either side’s claims.

Ukraine has previously displayed cheap decoys that look like multi-million dollar Western air defense and missile systems that Moscow wants in Ukraine.

The Patriot system, which has proven extremely effective in this war and of which Ukraine has very few, is top of Moscow’s target.

Oleshchuk added that Russia also hit decoy planes in a missile attack on a Ukrainian military airfield on Wednesday.

“Thanks to everyone who helps with quality decoys and air defense systems. The enemy now has fewer Iskanders, but we will deploy more decoys.”

In a video posted by the Russian ministry on Telegram, explosions can be seen in daylight on uninhabited land near a coastline. The video is zoomed in to identify objects.

First print: 07 Jul 2024 | 18:13 IST

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