Rory McIlroy backs controversial golf ball rollback for professionals AND amateur players – meaning balls will travel less in the air – but claims ‘money talks’ in swipe at manufacturers and elites

  • Rory McIlroy has backed plans to limit the distance golf balls fly in the air
  • Under the reported plans, new golf balls would be introduced that fly 50 feet less
  • He originally supported the changes that would only apply to elite players

Rory McIlroy has backed plans to universally roll back the golf ball, claiming it will put the sport 'back on the path to sustainability'.

However, he claimed there was “money talk” by accusing manufacturers and other professionals of pushing for changes that affect everyone.

Golf's rulemakers announced controversial plans to roll back the distances balls travel at the elite end of the game in March, but now they want the restrictions to apply to regular players too.

The United States Golf Association and the R&A want tournaments to use golf balls that travel 50 feet less in the air because of ever-increasing driving distances, amid fears the courses would otherwise have to be extended.

Originally, they wanted to split the golf ball in half, which meant that professionals and amateurs would hit different balls under the 'Model Local Rule'.

But a report of Golf summary suggests that the United States Golf Association and R&A will announce changes to roll back the distance for elite and recreational players – meaning the balls won't split.

Rory McIlroy has backed plans to introduce changes that will reduce the travel of golf balls

However, the 34-year-old golfer was originally against the idea of ​​the changes affecting amateurs, something he believes other elite golfers and manufacturers have pushed for

Key terms explained

  • 'Rollback' – changes that mean using balls that travel less.
  • 'Bifurcation' – a situation where professional and amateur golfers use different equipment. The 'rollback' was originally only going to affect elite players, but won't affect people at all levels, meaning they aren't 'split'.

And McIlroy has voiced his support for the proposals, which would likely not come into effect until 2026.

“I don't understand the anger about the golf ball rolling back. It won't make any difference to the average golfer and puts golf back on the path of sustainability,” McIlroy wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

“It will also help bring certain skills from the professional game that have been eradicated over the last 20 years back into the professional game.

'The people who are upset about this decision shouldn't be angry at the governing bodies, they should be angry at the elite pros and club/ball manufacturers for not wanting a split.'

McIlroy originally supported splitting because he didn't want amateur players to be affected.

He believes that manufacturers and other elite professionals are responsible for the lack of split, which was the 'logical' answer.

He added: 'Elite professionals and ball manufacturers think splitting would have a negative impact on their bottom line, when in reality the game is already divided. Do you think we play the same as you?

'They put pressure on the governing bodies to roll it back to a lesser extent for everyone. Splitting was the logical answer for everyone, but this game is also about money.'

In general, professional golfers are against backsliding.

Bryson DeChambeau was against the idea of ​​rolling back the golf ball, even though hitting the golf ball further threatens the future of some courses

Course architects were generally supportive of the changes, which would help prevent players from overshooting the course

In March, Bryson DeChambeau said, “I think this is the most heinous thing you can do to the game of golf. It's not about rolling back golf balls; it's about making golf courses more difficult.

'I think this is the most unimaginative, uninspired and groundbreaking thing you can do. Everyone wants people to move on. That's one of the reasons why a lot of people like what I do.”

Golf course architects have largely backed the plans as the courses have come under increasing pressure.

To prevent golf courses from becoming outdated as golfers hit farther and farther, expanding courses requires resources and space that are sometimes insurmountable.

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