Ron Johnson says Blinken told a ‘brazen lie’ to Congress by claiming he didn’t email Hunter Biden

Senator Ron Johnson accused Antony Blinken of telling a “brazen lie” to Congress about his communications with Hunter Biden after his emails with the first son were exposed.

The Wisconsin Republican revealed that while still working for the Biden campaign in December 2020, Blinken had come in for a transcribed interview with his team. He then aimed for the position of secretary of state, a position confirmed by the Senate.

“Now, because of more information that has come out, we know he blatantly lied to Congress about never emailing Hunter Biden,” Johnson told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo.

“I suspect he’s told a bunch of other lies so hopefully we can get him and his wife back and tell them to keep their records. You can’t trust Joe Biden. You can’t trust Hunter Biden.”

Senator Ron Johnson accused Antony Blinken of telling a “brazen lie” to Congress about his communications with Hunter Biden after his emails with the first son were exposed

Asked if he believed Blinken had lied under oath, Johnson replied, “Yes, he did.”

“He said he didn’t email Hunter Biden, and now we have those emails. We also know that his wife, who used her private email address when she was a[n] State Department staffer, was effectively a conduit between her husband and Hunter Biden as well,” Johnson continued.

The Wisconsin Republican said Blinken should be subpoenaed, but without Democratic support, he wouldn’t have the authority to do so.

“If he wants to declare his innocence, I doubt he will, but he must and she must keep their records and their personal emails. If you get to the bottom of this, we have to show how corrupt these individuals are.’

The Functional Government Initiative, a government watchdog group, received a trove of emails from Blinken during his time in the Obama administration, in which Blinken and Hunter Biden wrote to each other and arranged face-to-face meetings through his private AOL account during his time as Deputy Secretary of State.

Emails obtained by Fox news showed that Blinken met with Hunter Biden at the State Department in 2015 while Hunter was on the Burisma board.

E-mails from Hunter’s abandoned laptop reveal that Blinken and his wife Evan Ryan have been in contact with the first son for a long time. On multiple occasions, Hunter has forwarded messages about setting up meetings with Blinken to fellow Burisma board members.

Meanwhile, Mike Morell told the House Judiciary Committee last week that he was asked by Blinken — who was a senior member of the Biden campaign at the time — to discredit the laptop reporting.

Morell was a former acting CIA director, serving for two months in 2011 and four months from 2012 to 2013. He retired from the CIA in September 2013.

He coordinated a letter from former intelligence chiefs claiming that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation because he wanted to help Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

The Judiciary Committee, led by Jim Jordan, is currently investigating Hunter Biden’s laptop, as well as Biden’s family businesses.

Morell “recently” conducted a transcribed interview with Jordan’s team and was asked about the response of the Biden campaign to the laptop.

Mike Morell served as acting CIA director for several months in 2011 and again in 2012-2013.  He was asked by the Biden campaign in October 2020 to help recruit other former intelligence chiefs to discredit coverage of the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop.

Mike Morell served as acting CIA director for several months in 2011 and again in 2012-2013. He was asked by the Biden campaign in October 2020 to help recruit other former intelligence chiefs to discredit coverage of the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Hunter Biden is seen with his father Joe and aunt Valerie in Dublin on April 14

Hunter Biden is seen with his father Joe and aunt Valerie in Dublin on April 14

The laptop, which was left in a Delaware repair shop, was touted by Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump’s attorney, as evidence of alleged corruption within the Biden family.

The Biden campaign said the efforts to disclose the laptop’s contents bore the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign.

The laptop contained explicit photos of troubled Hunter Biden naked, with prostitutes and drug use, as well as multiple emails and texts between the 53-year-old and his father.

Morell said he was asked by Blinken to gather former intelligence chiefs to agree that the laptop looked like a smear campaign.

He did “a little bit of my own research,” then contacted retired CIA senior operations officer Marc Polymeropoulos for help drafting the letter.

The letter was eventually signed by 51 former intelligence officials, including himself and four other former CIA directors, including John Brennan and Leon Panetta.

The letter was published by Politico five days after The New York Post first reported on the contents of the laptop.

The headline of Politico’s story, on October 19, 2020, was “Hunter Biden’s story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former officials say.”

The letter claimed The New York Post’s story “has all the classic hallmarks of a Russian intelligence operation.”

Several media outlets, including, have since confirmed the contents of the laptop and that it belonged to Hunter Biden.

Photo of a Hunter Biden laptop left at a computer repair shop

Photo of a Hunter Biden laptop left at a computer repair shop

A photo found on the laptop left by Hunter Biden.  Jordan and other House Republicans believe the claims made in the letter signed by Morell were a

A photo found on the laptop left by Hunter Biden. Jordan and other House Republicans believe the claims made in the letter signed by Morell were a “joint effort” to discredit the damning information on Hunter’s laptop.

Hunter Biden is photographed at the White House on July 7, 2022

Hunter Biden is photographed at the White House on July 7, 2022

Joe Biden used the letter during the Oct. 22 debate against Donald Trump, saying he believed the coverage surrounding his son’s abandoned computer was the work of Russia.

Morell was thanked for his work coordinating the letter, with Biden campaign chairman Steve Ricchetti calling him after the debate to thank him.

He would then be considered for the role of CIA director – a job that eventually went to William Burns.

Morell, who has been a consultant, strategist, lecturer and author since his firing nearly a decade ago, said he was never formally in talks for the role.

On Thursday, Jordan and Michael Turner, the chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence, wrote to Blinken asking for his communications with Morell around the laptop.

They issued a statement accusing Morell and the other intelligence chiefs of “coordinated efforts to minimize and suppress information detrimental to the Biden campaign.”

“Based on Morell’s testimony, it is clear that the Biden campaign played an active role in crafting the public statement, which had the effect of suppressing the Hunter Biden narrative and deterring American citizens from making a fully informed statement. decision during the 2020 presidential election campaign,” they wrote.

While the statement’s signatories have an undisputed right to freedom of speech and free association — which we do not dispute — their reference to their national security credentials strengthened the story and suggested access to specialized information unavailable to other Americans.

“This concerted effort to minimize and suppress the public dissemination of the grave allegations against the Biden family has been a grave disservice to the informed participation of all American citizens in our democracy.”