Ron DeSantis demands Ilhan Omar be expelled from Congress and deported after speech declaring herself ‘Somalia First’ amid calls for her to resign

As calls for Rep. Ilhan Omar to resign from Congress grow louder after he said she puts Somalia’s interests above all else, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is going a step further by demanding that she be deported and stripped of her American citizenship.

DeSantis’ sentiments are the most serious of the responses that followed this weekend, with Rep. Marjorie Taylore Greene calling her a “terrorist sympathizer” and Donald Trump Jr. complaining that the U.S. isn’t even in the “top three” of her priorities. .

Video emerged of Omar’s speech in Minneapolis on Saturday, where she declared she is “Somalia first.”

“Expel from Congress, denaturalize, and deport!” DeSantis, who dropped out of the 2024 presidential race earlier this month, posted on X on Tuesday.

Rep. Omar is a member of the progressive team of lawmakers in the House of Representatives who immigrated from Somalia in 1995. She said in Somali that her home country is her top priority when legislating in Congress.

Her second priority, according to a translation of the comments, is Islam.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis demanded that Rep. Ilhan Omar be deported and stripped of her U.S. citizenship after she said her top priority as a lawmaker is advancing Somalia’s interests

Rep.  Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) said during a speech in Minneapolis on Saturday that her top priority as a lawmaker is Somalia and her second priority is Islam.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) said during a speech in Minneapolis on Saturday that her top priority as a lawmaker is Somalia and her second priority is Islam.

“You know, Ilhan Omar says things like, ‘Oh, well, I’m Somali first, Muslim second. We are going to ensure that Somali is heard.’ Like, you’re in the United States Congress now,” Trump Jr. complained Monday night in Las Vegas, Nevada.

“It’s like we don’t even get mentioned in America anymore,” he added. “For example, we are not even in the top three, otherwise we will be completely forgotten.”

“And yet it feels like it’s coming from a large part of Congress. By the way, also from our own side,” he added.

Don Jr. then blasted Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for also being out of touch with average Americans, claiming that funding the war in Ukraine is a top priority of American citizens.

On the contrary, the former president’s eldest son said traveling around the country and meeting people who work there teaches him that his father’s messages work.

“I’ve said this several times now: we’ve talked about the war in Ukraine. You know, I hear Mitch McConnell, he’s there: ‘It’s Americans’ number one priority.’ I’m like, ‘It’s not for me,'” Don Jr. said.

“And I can assure you that just by speaking in this room today,” he added, “I have stood in front of more real Americans than Mitch McConnell probably has in his entire 279-year career.”

DeSantis posted Omar's video on X Tuesday morning, demanding she be expelled from Congress, denaturalized and deported

DeSantis posted Omar’s video on X Tuesday morning, demanding she be expelled from Congress, denaturalized and deported

Monday evening in Las Vegas, Nevada, Donald Trump Jr. blasted Rep. Omar for not even mentioning the US as one of her top priorities

Monday evening in Las Vegas, Nevada, Donald Trump Jr. blasted Rep. Omar for not even mentioning the US as one of her top priorities

Don Jr.  spoke on Monday, January 29 at Turning Point Action's Restoring National Confidence Summit in Las Vegas, Nevada

Don Jr. spoke on Monday, January 29 at Turning Point Action’s Restoring National Confidence Summit in Las Vegas, Nevada

Rep. Omar is accused of “treason” and calls for her expulsion from Congress as she faces fierce opposition over the speech in which she unapologetically declared that she puts “Somalia first.”

Somaliland Ambassador Rhoda Elmi reposted the video of Omar’s speech on X, calling it “sadly inappropriate” and “lacking common decency.”

“We hope that the House leadership and its caucus will take note of her public conduct, which is unbecoming of a United States Congresswoman nor as a representative of the august House in which she serves,” Elmi wrote in her lengthy statement to X.

The leaked video of Omar’s Jan. 27 speech quickly went viral and drew widespread criticism, including from far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), who accused her colleague of using her position to protect people who “hate America and also said that she clearly admits that she is putting another country above American interests.

House Majority Whip Tim Emmer, who also represents a district in Minnesota, called for his colleague’s resignation.

“Ilhan Omar’s appalling Somali comments are a slap in the face to the people of Minnesota she was elected to serve and a direct violation of her oath of office,” Rep. Emmer said in a statement, according to Alpha News. “She should resign in disgrace.”

Omar labeled the criticism “completely unwarranted” and claimed that her top priority as a US congresswoman is representing the interests of the Somali people in America.

“Sleep easy knowing that I am here to protect Somalia’s interests from the American system,” Omar said Saturday, speaking in Somali at an event in Minneapolis, as the moment was captured on camera and circulated online.

She also strengthened Somalia’s ‘unity’ against Ethiopia and Somaliland, an unrecognized state considered part of Somalia, and supported Somalia in forcibly retaking land around their country.

ACT for America founder and president Brigitte Gabriel wrote on X: “Ilhan Omar puts Somalia first, Islam second and America last.”

Rep. Greene wrote: “Terrorist sympathizer Ilhan Omar in her own words: Somali first. Muslim second. She never talks about America.’

“She flaunts using her position as a member of Congress to protect the Somali border while our border is being invaded by MILLIONS of illegals who pose a danger to America,” she added. “These people hate America and they are so emboldened by the Democrats’ contempt for our country that they don’t even try to hide it anymore.”

Oamr said in her speech that “the US government will only do what Somalis in the US tell them to do. They will do what we want and nothing else.”

Founder and President of ACT for America Brigitte Gabriel wrote on X: 'Ilhan Omar puts Somalia first, Islam second and America last'

Founder and President of ACT for America Brigitte Gabriel wrote on X: ‘Ilhan Omar puts Somalia first, Islam second and America last’

Somaliland Ambassador Rhoda Elmi reposted the video of Omar's speech on X and released a lengthy statement calling the comments

Somaliland Ambassador Rhoda Elmi reposted the video of Omar’s speech on X and released a lengthy statement calling the comments “woefully inappropriate” and “lacking common decency.”

Georgia Rep.  Marjorie Taylor Greene (R) also weighed in with a post on

Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R) also weighed in with a post on

“They must follow our orders and this is how we will safeguard Somalia’s interests,” she added. ‘We Somalis must have the confidence in ourselves that we are calling the shots in the US’

“Together we will protect Somalia’s interests.”

Americans for Prosperity Tennessee Ambassador Robby Starbuck accused Omar of “openly pledging allegiance to a foreign nation and using her position in government to put that foreign nation first.”

“This is treason,” he declared. ‘Ilhan Omar is an agent for Somalia. It’s all out in the open. At the very least, she should be removed from Congress. Absolutely insane.’

This is not the first time there have been calls to remove Omar from her position in the US House of Representatives.

Omar’s past anti-Semitic comments and her demand that Israel stop defending itself against Hamas terrorists in Gaza have prompted calls from Republicans to remove her from Congress and prompted censure resolutions from colleagues.

She is part of the progressive “squad” of lawmakers, which includes representatives like Alexandria Ocasi-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley and Rsahida Tlaib, a Palestinian-American.