Rollercoaster victim’s living hell: Tragic update on Shylah Rodden after recovering from injuries in accident that shocked Australia

Rollercoaster Victim’s Hell: Tragic update on Shylah Rodden after he recovers from injuries in crash that shocked Australia

A year after a terrifying incident in which she was struck by a moving roller coaster, a Melbourne woman who was initially in a critical condition and fighting for her life can now walk and talk again.

Shylah Rodden has been bedridden in the Royal Melbourne Hospital since a rollercoaster crashed into her during the city’s Royal Show on September 24, but can now walk again.

In a statement to the media, her mother Kylie Rodden said she defied the odds but was hurt by the cruel messages trolls sent her after the horrific accident.

“Over the past year, our focus has been on supporting Shylah in her recovery and assisting her to move on with her life,” she said.

“We are so grateful to see her making progress after the horrific injuries she suffered.

“She has defied all odds and is now walking, talking and doing things the doctors told us might not be possible.”

Ms Rodden’s lawyer, Sharlene Mehta of Arnold Thomas and Becker, said WorkSafe’s investigation was still ongoing.

“The accident has had far-reaching consequences for Shylah and her family, so the outcome of this investigation is eagerly awaited,” she said.

“The family has indicated that once they receive further information from the investigations, they may be open to further comment, but for now ask that their privacy be respected so that they can continue to focus on Shylah’s recovery.”

She said her daughter had seen the horrific abuse directed at her by cruel trolls.

“We have done our best to protect Shylah from these comments, as much of it has been misleading and in many cases cruel,” she said.

“Unfortunately, Shylah has seen these comments and they are really affecting her.

“We are now making a public statement in the hope that people will understand that these negative comments are not helpful in any way.

“Our desire is to continue moving forward and allow Shylah to continue her recovery and focus on the incredible progress she is making.”

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