Riots broke out in Paris after a policeman ‘executed’ the 17-year-old driver who broke traffic rules

Riots broke out in a suburb of Paris tonight when a police officer is accused of cold-bloodedly executing a teenage driver after telling him, “I’ll put a bullet in your head.”

The alleged murder was videotaped earlier today in Nanterre, west of the French capital, after the boy – who is of Algerian background – allegedly broke traffic rules.

The victim was soon identified as Nael, a 17-year-old delivery boy, while the officer was arrested and taken into custody.

As youths began pouring into the streets tonight, setting rubbish bins and buildings on fire, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin called for calm.

He told the National Assembly in Paris that the images posted on social media were “extremely shocking and disturbing,” and urged people to “respect the family’s grief and the police’s presumption of innocence.”

Riots broke out in the streets of Paris last night following a protest after a police officer was accused of cold-bloodedly executing a teenager.

Youths run loose tonight in a Paris suburb amid widespread anger over the death of 17-year-old Yael

Youths run loose tonight in a Paris suburb amid widespread anger over the death of 17-year-old Yael

Youths set fires all over Nanterre this evening in protest of the alleged shooting of 17-year-old Nael

Youths set fires all over Nanterre this evening in protest of the alleged shooting of 17-year-old Nael

Firefighters are trying to put out a blaze in Nanterre, on the western outskirts of Paris, tonight

Firefighters are trying to put out a blaze in Nanterre, on the western outskirts of Paris, tonight

Angry scenes played out in Paris this evening as youths confronted police, with videos shared on social media showing shoving and shoving between young men and officers wearing riot gear.

Local residents held a protest outside police headquarters. Some groups set fire to barricades and garbage cans, destroyed a bus stop and threw fireworks at police, who responded with tear gas and dispersal grenades, according to videos broadcast on local media.

In one clip, a young woman appeared screaming “I hate France,” while an officer muttered “return to Africa.”

Seven people have been arrested so far following protests tonight, authorities said.

At the time of the shooting, two other people were in the vehicle with Nael. A first passenger fled, while the second, also a minor, was arrested and taken into custody.

The mayor of Nanterre, Patrick Jarry, said he was “shocked” by the video footage and offered his “sincere condolences to the boy’s mother.”

The alleged murder was videotaped on Tuesday in Nanterre, west of the French capital, after the boy - who is of Algerian background - broke traffic rules

The alleged murder was videotaped on Tuesday in Nanterre, west of the French capital, after the boy – who is of Algerian background – broke traffic rules

The crashed vehicle struck a sign and some railings at an intersection shortly after a shot was reportedly fired at the driver, 17-year-old Nael.

The crashed vehicle struck a sign and some railings at an intersection shortly after a shot was reportedly fired at the driver, 17-year-old Nael.

Paramedics unsuccessfully tried to rescue the 17-year-old driver, later identified as Nael, 17,

Paramedics unsuccessfully tried to rescue the 17-year-old driver, later identified as Nael, 17,

Dashcam footage from another motorist showed Nael's vehicle after it crashed

Dashcam footage from another motorist showed Nael’s vehicle after it crashed

The 17-year-old was in the Paris suburb of Nanterre earlier today when police shot him dead after breaking traffic rules and not stopping, prosecutors said.

Emergency services tried to resuscitate him at the scene, but he died shortly afterwards.

The officer accused of shooting the driver has been arrested on murder charges, the Nanterre prosecutor’s office said.

A verified video circulating on social media shows two police officers trying to stop the vehicle and one pointing his gun at the driver through the window

He yells “I’m going to put a bullet in your head” before firing at close range as the driver steers away.

The car continued for 10 metres, before jerking to a stop, with shocked passers-by watching.

The IGPN’s National Police Inspectorate has opened an investigation into possible willful homicide by a person holding a government position.

Photos and videos supposedly showing the alleged murder have been widely shared on social media, sparking anger from the teen who took to the streets tonight

Photos and videos supposedly showing the alleged murder have been widely shared on social media, sparking anger from the teen who took to the streets tonight

The yellow car drove a short distance after being fired upon in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre before crashing at an intersection

The yellow car drove a short distance after being fired upon in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre before crashing at an intersection

A separate investigation is being conducted by the regional police into the driver’s failure to stop and the alleged attempt to kill a government official

Paris police chief Laurent Nunez said the officer’s action “raises questions” while claiming the officer may have felt “threatened”.

The family’s lawyer, Yassine Bouzrou, told the same channel that while all parties had to wait for the outcome of the investigation, the footage “clearly showed that a police officer killed a young man in cold blood.”

“This is a far cry from any legitimate defense,” he said, adding that the family had filed a complaint and accused police of “lying” by initially claiming the car had tried to run into the officers.

“It’s so sad, he was so young,” said Samia Bough, 62, the teen’s former neighbor, who came to lay a bouquet of yellow roses at the scene.

In 2022, a record 13 deaths were recorded after refusals to stop for traffic checks. Five police officers have been charged in these cases.

Authorities and police unions blame the 2022 numbers on more dangerous driving, but researchers also point to a 2017 law that changes the conditions for police use of their guns.

Two weeks ago, a 19-year-old was killed by a police officer he had injured in the legs with his car in the western city of Angouleme.

The left reacted angrily, saying police had no right to kill people simply because they refused to stop.

“Yes, a refusal to quit is against the law. But death is not one of the punishments provided for in the penal code,” Manuel Bompard, the coordinator of the far-left party France Unbowed (LFI), tweeted.

“A refusal to stop does not give a license to kill,” said Olivier Faure, leader of the Socialist Party.