Rewards of Memorizing Quran

Memorizing the Quran is believed to bring blessings, rewards, and intercession on the Day of Judgment. It is seen as a means to attain a higher status in Paradise, receive special recognition from Allah, and experience spiritual growth. Memorizers of the Quran are considered valuable resources for teaching and sharing its knowledge with others.

Memorizing the Quran is an immensely virtuous act within the Islamic faith. This profound endeavor holds numerous intrinsic benefits and lofty rewards for both the individual and the wider Muslim community. 

10 Rewards Of Memorizing Quran 

The great reward of memorizing the Quran transcends mere temporal gains and engenders a profound spiritual transformation in the life of the memorizer, fostering a deep connection with the divine.

  1. Being accompanied By The Angels

 The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The one who memorizes the Quran and acts upon it will be accompanied by two angels who will look like two handsome young men. They will say, ‘Read and recite, and ascend. Your recitation will be counted as you used to recite it in the world.'” (Sahih Bukhari)

  1. Not Only Keeping Quran To Memory

Memorizing the Quran is more than just committing verses to memory; it is a profound way of seeking guidance. The Quran, as the holy book of Islam, holds within its verses timeless wisdom, moral teachings, and divine guidance. By memorizing the Quran, believers immerse themselves in its sacred words, allowing them to access its teachings at any time and place. This spiritual practice fosters a deep connection between the individual and God, enriching their understanding of Islamic principles and serving as a compass for righteous living. Memorization not only enhances one’s knowledge of the Quran but also strengthens their faith, instilling a sense of purpose and direction in their lives. 

  1. Following Quran Teachings In Daily Life

Memorizing the Quran not only aids in understanding its message but also facilitates the implementation of its teachings in daily life. It allows the memorizer to embody the Quranic principles and values, leading to a profound transformation in character and behavior. A memorizer of the Quran is more likely to develop traits of patience, humility, and compassion, embodying the Prophetic example in every aspect of life. Hire Quran tutor get Online Quran memorization classes to memorize and understand Quran perfectly. 

  1. To Be Closer to Your Creator

Moreover, the great reward of memorizing the Quran manifests in numerous spiritual benefits that nourish the memorizer’s soul. It creates a powerful bond between the memorizer and Allah, fostering a sense of nearness and intimacy in worship. Reciting the verses committed to memory during prayer engenders a unique connection with the divine, amplifying the spiritual experience and elevating the status of the memorizer before Allah.

  1. To Get Supreme Position In The Other Life

In addition, memorizing the Quran is regarded as a means of achieving a higher rank in the hereafter. Memorizing the Quran is not merely an act of devotion, but a transformative journey that reaps immense rewards in the hereafter. The Quran, being the ultimate guide for humanity, holds within its verses a roadmap to success and salvation. Those who dedicate themselves to memorizing this divine scripture not only deepen their understanding of Islam, but also attain a position of honor and distinction among the righteous. In the afterlife, they are privileged to stand among the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, be adorned with crowns of honor, and intercede for their loved ones. Additionally, the memorizers are enveloped in divine blessings, their status elevated higher than that of the angels, and granted a place in the highest levels of paradise. Thus, the reward of memorizing the Quran in the hereafter holds the promise of eternal bliss and closeness to the Almighty.

  1. Its Clear Sign Of Allah,s Love

Furthermore, the act of memorizing the Quran is an act of devotion and love towards Allah. It showcases a deep appreciation for the divine speech and a desire to preserve and protect it. The reward for such sincere love and devotion is immeasurable, as Allah Himself showers His blessings and mercy upon those who endeavor to commit His words to memory.

  1. Memorizing Quran Is Preserving Islam

Memorizing the Quran is a means of honoring the divine scripture and fulfilling one’s duty as a Muslim. It demonstrates a sense of responsibility and commitment towards the preservation of Islamic teachings. By memorizing the Quran, the individual becomes an ambassador of Islam, spreading its message and exemplifying its principles to others.

  1. To Win With A special Intercession

Furthermore, being a memorizer will be given a special intercession on the Day of Judgment. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The people of the Quran will be called on the Day of Resurrection to be given their reward before others. They will be called, ‘O people of the Quran, come and enter Paradise!'” (Sahih Bukhari)

  1. To Be Quran Teacher In Awhile

The Quran grants one the opportunity to teach and inspire others. The memorizer becomes a source of guidance and a beacon of light for those around them. Their ability to share the Quran’s teachings and illuminate hearts with its wisdom contributes to the collective spiritual growth of the Muslim ummah, earning them immense rewards in this world and the hereafter.

  1. Endless Benefits

The great reward of memorizing the Quran is eternally preserved. The memorizer continues to reap its benefits even after their departure from this world. Each time someone recites a verse that they committed to memory, the memorizer receives continuous rewards, transforming their memorization efforts into an ongoing source of unending blessings.


If you are interested in memorizing the Quran, there are many resources available to help you get started. You can find Quran memorization classes online or in your local community. There are also many books and apps that can help you learn the Quran.

Memorizing the Quran is a challenging but rewarding task. However, if you are willing to put in the effort, you will be rewarded both in this life and the next.