Revealed: The militant union leader at the center of doctors’ strikes is a Labor activist who boasted of charging the NHS £1,870 for strike representation

Revealed: The militant union leader at the center of doctors’ strikes is a Labor activist who boasted of charging the NHS £1,870 for strike representation

  • Dr. Tom Dolphin raised the horrendous sum to cover his colleagues’ picket lines



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A militant union leader behind the doctors’ strikes is a Labor activist who boasts of charging the NHS £1,870 for a single shift of strike cover.

Dr. Tom Dolphin raised the horrendous sum to cover striking colleagues and donated it to the British Medical Association’s strike fund.

The London-based consultant anesthetist wrote on

He is a member of the ruling BMA Council, a member of the BMA Advisory Committee and acts as a media spokesperson for striking doctors.

The Mail can today reveal that Dr. Dolphin is also a Labor activist who has been involved in political causes for more than a decade.

Dr. Tom Dolphin raised the horrendous sum to cover striking colleagues and donated it to the British Medical Association’s strike fund

He campaigned alongside hard-left MP John McDonnell and was Dawn Butler’s election agent in the last two general elections.

He also finds time to advocate for Woke causes, including transgender issues and veganism.

Ministers believe the strike is “politically motivated” and that the BMA leadership is not interested in finding a solution with the current government.

They also fear that some consultants appear to be profiting from industrial action by charging the NHS excessive overtime rates to cover for absent junior doctors, which more than makes up for the money they lose on strike days.

The London anesthesiologist wrote down

Earlier this summer, almost a dozen Labor MPs joined the BMA picket line and the latest strike coincided with the Conservative Party conference in Manchester.

Rishi Sunak said this week that the row was “all about politics, not patients”. The Prime Minister described doctors’ salary demands as “massive and unaffordable”.

Dr. Dolphin wrote on social media in 2019: “This election has really galvanized our members to get involved and work together to form a new, different Labor government.”

In July last year he posted photos of himself at a trans pride march, adding: “I’m about to let London know that trans rights are human rights!”

Rishi Sunak said this week that the row was “all about politics, not patients”. The Prime Minister described doctors’ pay demands as “massive and unaffordable”

He described Brexit as a “failure” and “one of Britain’s worst foreign policy decisions in decades.”

A Conservative source said: “It is deeply worrying that a Labor activist appears to be at the center of the BMA’s militant strike action, which is causing further disruption and misery for patients.”

“The government has given doctors a salary increase of between 6 and 10.3 percent as well as generous pension reforms, but unfortunately the ongoing measures appear to be increasingly politically motivated.”

“Keir Starmer must immediately distance Labor from the BMA strikes and support the government’s plan to cut waiting lists.”

Professor Phil Banfield, BMA Chair of the Council, said: “The BMA is proud to be a non-partisan organization made up of members from across the political spectrum, with the shared aim of working to retain doctors and protect the NHS to fight.”

“We are incredibly proud of Tom and all the work he does to represent and advocate for our members.”

“It is very generous of him to donate this amount to the strike fund to support those who would otherwise find it difficult to take part in legal, legitimate industrial action.”

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