Revealed: The foods not to feed your dog this Christmas – including roast dinner leftovers

An expert has warned against letting your dog eat festive food at Christmas.

Although many owners are tempted to give their pet leftovers, dogs should avoid this chocolate, garlic, onions, leek, chives or grapes, raisins or sultanas.

Research carried out by Welsh company Burns Pet Nutrition has prompted an urgent health warning A large third of owners overfed their pups, with 45 percent even sharing cheese with their dogs.

While owners may simply see themselves as generous, they may be putting their pup at risk. The animal-loving company explained which foods pets should avoid.

Sugar-free products may seem tempting to keep our human waistlines in check, but the same can't always be said for pets.

Close-up portrait of a dog with reindeer horns celebrating Christmas. Flounder on a plate as a treat on served holiday table (stock image)

Marketed as a healthy alternative, manufacturers tend to put Xylitol, an artificial sweetener, in our food, causing a spike in insulin that can cause the death of your dog.

Although symptoms often resolve within an hour, the risk of liver failure and in turn premature death for your dog increases if a lot of Xylitol has been consumed.

Puppies should also avoid nuts, as they can cause diabetes weakness, vomiting, tremors and even depression.

Although the side effects usually go away within 12 hours, it is always best to prevent this from happening in the first place.

Avocados may seem like an odd addition, but like cooked bones, Burns Pet Nutrition described them as a choking hazard.

In the unfortunate circumstance that your pup eats one of these problematic foods, the company points out you contact your veterinarian immediately.

An Urgent Christmas Warning for Pet Owners: Don't Feed Your Dog the Foods Listed Above (stock image)

An Urgent Christmas Warning for Pet Owners: Don't Feed Your Dog the Foods Listed Above (stock image)

The eight foods you should never feed your dogs









Burns Pet Nutrition said: 'Too much salt and fat from overfeeding foods like bacon can cause pancreatitis.'

Founder of the company veterinarian John Burns MBE wants to encourage owners to think twice before over-pampering their pet on December 25.

He said: 'Dogs don't necessarily need tasty treats, only us owners like to give them!

'While everyone is tucking into Christmas dinner, don't let those big puppy eyes pressure you.

'What's on our plate isn't a good idea for your dog, but if you want to give him a small Christmas lunch then simply cooked vegetables are fine.'