REVEALED: RFK Jr.’s incredible offer to Biden that would blow the 2024 presidential race wide open

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has unveiled an offer to Joe Biden that he says would shake up the 2024 election and help one of them defeat Donald Trump.

The nephew of former President John F. Kennedy and the son of former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy have continued to run as a third-party candidate after losing to Biden in the Democrat primary.

Recent polls show him garnering nine percent of the vote as an independent in a race with Biden, Trump and other candidates.

In an interview with Dr. Phil on Wednesday, the longtime activist and environmental lawyer said he has offered Biden a deal that would keep him from being a “spoiler” candidate and help him defeat Trump.

“We will co-sponsor a poll together, the two of us in October, and whoever is least likely to beat Donald Trump will withdraw,” he said.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has made Joe Biden an offer that he believes could boost his chances in the 2024 presidential race

Kennedy has consistently cited a Zogby Analysis poll showing Trump beating Biden when in a two-way race, while RFK Jr. would directly defeat the Republican or Biden.

The independent has doubts Biden would accept the deal, which he says is still on the table, claiming it proves he is not trying to rig the election.

‘Do I expect him to accept that deal? No, but I’m not a spoiler. A spoiler is someone who can’t win and stays in and subverts the expectations of someone who can,” Kennedy clarified.

He says Biden hasn’t even commented on his deal at this stage.

Kennedy covered a wide range of topics on Dr. Phil Primetime, including what he believes he learned from his presidential uncle in times of crisis.

He specifically mentioned JFK’s handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the nearly two-week confrontation between America and the Soviets over nuclear missiles stationed near Cuba.

Dr. Phil brought it up as many believe US-Russia tensions are at their worst since the crisis, while some lawmakers believe Biden is ‘sleepwalking’ America into a repeat.

‘I would do the same as my uncle. My father had gone to the Justice Department and made a deal.”

Kennedy has consistently cited a Zogby Analysis poll showing Trump beating Biden when in a two-way race, while RFK Jr. would directly defeat the Republican or Biden

The independent has doubts Biden will accept the deal, but claims it would prove he is not trying to influence the election

‘My uncle had already ordered [the missiles] and the army had defied them. My uncle and father made a secret deal to move the missiles as long as no one talked about the deal.”

He worried that Biden’s plan for NATO could bring America “closer to nuclear war than at any time in history since 1962.”

‘It’s all just like World War I, it’s people in the office who are sleepwalking us into a conflict we shouldn’t have anything to do with.’

Both the Biden and Trump campaigns are closely monitoring Kennedy’s progress, especially after he managed to secure his name on the ballot in another state – this time California.

The Trump campaign fears he will pull votes away, essentially handing Biden a second term, as he says more Trump supporters have switched to RFK than Biden supporters. NewsNation.

The Golden State is the third state election that Kennedy and running mate Nicole Shanahan have officially qualified for — the others being Utah and Michigan.

California is the state with the most electoral college votes in the country.

The pair have also managed to collect enough signatures to access ballots in seven other states, including New Hampshire, Nevada, Hawaii, North Carolina, Idaho, Nebraska and Iowa, but these have not yet been validated by election officials.

Both Trump and Biden doubt the effect Kennedy will have on the elections

Kennedy had run as a Democrat, but switched his ticket to an independent position last fall and is aiming to appear on state ballots across the country in an effort to take on Biden and Trump, arguing that both are unqualified to serve.

Although his campaign is focused on collecting signatures from all 50 states before the deadline, experts have indicated that Kennedy only needs a handful of key states to have an impact on the outcome on Election Day.

Kennedy was denied entry to the first debate between Biden and Trump, scheduled for Thursday night.

He told Dr. Phil that he believes the Biden campaign told CNN they would boycott the debate if Kennedy was granted access.

The debate is scheduled for Thursday, June 27 at 9:00 PM and will last 90 minutes in Atlanta, Georgia.

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