Retrieval Augmented Generation systems are changing the AI ​​landscape again

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) systems are revolutionizing AI by augmenting pre-trained language models (LLMs) with external knowledge. By using vector databases, organizations develop RAG systems that are aligned with internal data sources, expanding LLM capabilities. This merger changes the way AI interprets user questions and delivers contextually relevant answers across domains.

As the name suggests, RAG augments LLMs’ pre-trained knowledge with corporate or external knowledge to generate context-aware domain-specific responses. To get more business value from large language base models, many organizations use vector databases to build RAG systems with internal corporate data sources.

Prasad Venkatachar

Senior Director of Products and Solutions at Pliops.

RAG systems extend the capabilities of LLMs by dynamically integrating enterprise data sources with information during the inference phase. By definition, RAG includes the following:

  • Retriever extracts relevant context from data sources
  • The Augment process integrates the retrieved data with the user query
  • The generation process generates relevant answers to user questions based on the integrated context.

RAG is an increasingly important area in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and GenAI to provide enriched answers to customer queries with domain-specific information in chatbots and conversational systems. Google’s AlloyDB, Microsoft’s CosmosDB, Amazon DocumentDB, MongoDB in Atlas, Weaviate, Qdrant, and Pinecone all provide vector database functionality to serve as a platform for organizations to build RAG systems.

How RAG can help

The benefits of RAG can be classified into the following categories.

1. Bridging knowledge gaps: No matter how large the LLM is, and how well and how long the model is trained, it still lacks the domain-specific information and new information after it was last trained. RAG helps bridge these knowledge gaps, equipping the model with additional information and the ability to address and respond to domain-specific questions.

2. Reduced Hallucinations: By accessing and interpreting relevant information from external sources such as PDFs and web pages, RAG systems can provide answers that are not made up, but based on real-world data and facts. This is crucial for tasks that require accuracy and up-to-date knowledge.

3. Efficiency: RAG systems can be more efficient in certain applications because they leverage existing knowledge bases, reducing the need for the model to retrain, build, and store all that information internally.

4. Improved relevance: RAG systems can tailor their responses more specifically to the user’s query by retrieving relevant information. This means the answers you get are likely to be more relevant and useful.

Design elements of RAG systems

Identifying the purpose and objectives of the RAG project is critical, whether it is developed for marketing to generate content, customer support for Q&A, funding for billing data extraction, and so on. Second, selecting relevant data sources are fundamental steps in building a successful RAG system.

To capture relevant information from these external documents, you need to break this data into meaningful chunks or segments, known as chunking. Using SpaCY or NLTK libraries provides context-aware chunking via named entity recognition and dependency parsing.

Converting fragmented information into a vector format to represent data in a high-dimensional vector space involves juxtaposing semantically similar text. Langchain and LlamaIndex are frameworks that provide embedding generation techniques, along with LLM models tailored to business-specific needs, such as context-aware embedding or embedding optimized for retrieval tasks.

Once the data has been converted into embeds, the next step is to store it in an efficient database that supports vector functionality for retrieval. Selecting the vector database is critical based on its vector search performance, functionality and its cost, whether open source or commercial. Vector databases can be classified as follows:

  • Native vector databases: built specifically for dense embedding vector searches, e.g. Weaviate, Pinecone, FAISS.
  • NoSQL Databases: Key-Value Stores like Redis, Aerospike etc. and MongoDB – and AstraDB and Graph-oriented databases for building knowledge graphs using Neo4
  • General purpose SQL databases with vector capabilities: Extending traditional SQL/NoSQL DBs such as PostgreSQL with vector extensions and Google’s AlloyDB. Important considerations

Both RAG and LLMs are resource-intensive models, requiring significant computing power, memory, and storage to run efficiently. Deploying these models in production environments can be challenging due to high resource requirements.

Storing large amounts of data can incur significant costs, especially when using cloud-based storage solutions. Organizations must carefully consider the tradeoffs between storage cost, performance, and accessibility when designing their storage infrastructure for RAG applications.

Managing the costs of processing queries in RAG systems requires a combination of optimizing resource usage, minimizing data transfer costs, and implementing cost-effective infrastructure and computational strategies.

To improve query latency in RAG systems, indexing should be optimized for fast retrieval, caching mechanisms should be deployed to store frequently accessed data, and parallel processing and asynchronous techniques should be used for efficient query handling. Additionally, load balancing, data partitioning, and hardware acceleration to distribute the workload and speed up computations will result in faster responses to queries.

Another RAG implementation element is the total implementation cost, which must be carefully evaluated to meet business and budget goals, including:

  • Costs of embedding: Certain data sources require high-quality embeddings, which increases the cost of embedding generated by the LLM models.
  • Cost to display questions: The costs associated with handling queries in the RAG system are determined by the frequency of the queries (per minute, hour or day) and the complexity of the data involved. These costs are typically calculated in dollars per query per hour ($/QPH).
  • Storage costs: Storage costs are affected by the number and complexity (dataset dimensionality) of data sources. As the complexity of these data sets increases, storage costs increase accordingly. Costs are typically calculated in dollars per terabyte.
  • Search latency: As a company, what is the response time SLA for these vector queries in RAG systems? For example, a RAG customer support system must be highly responsive for a superior customer experience. How many concurrent users need to be supported to deliver quality of service is also critical.
  • The maintenance window for periodic data source updates.
  • Costs of LLM models: Using proprietary language models such as Gemini, OpenAI, and Mistral incurs additional costs based on the number of tokens processed for input and output.

Despite these potential challenges, RAG remains a critical part of the generative AI strategy for enterprises, enabling the development of smarter applications that deliver contextually relevant and coherent answers based on real-world knowledge.


RAG systems represent a critical advancement in reshaping the AI ​​landscape by seamlessly integrating enterprise data with LLMs to deliver contextually rich answers. From bridging knowledge gaps and reducing hallucinations to improving the efficiency and relevance of responses – RAG offers a host of benefits. However, deploying RAG systems comes with its own challenges, including resource-intensive computing requirements, controlling costs, and optimizing query latency. By addressing these challenges and leveraging RAG’s capabilities, enterprises can unlock intelligent applications based on real-world knowledge – and create a future where AI-powered interactions are more contextually relevant and coherent than ever before.

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