Retain Your Customers With Post-Sales Marketing

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Your online business is probably growing every day after you take care of all the important things to make your brand reach new audiences and customers. You are probably taking advantage of all the online tools to develop your strategy: email marketing, blogs, social media, video, and more. But what happens after your target individual turns into a customer and makes a purchase? Does your relationship with them end there? Is there a way to keep them wanting to come back for more? The answer is yes, as this is where Post-Sales Marketing appears to ensure that the bond between you and your customers prevails over time.

Using Diverse Digital Marketing Channels

The purpose here is for your customers to have your brand sticking in their heads even after they make their first purchase, and to do so, it is important to use your arsenal of platforms and online tools.

Firstly, after your customer completed their purchase, it is most likely that you obtained important information from them, like email address, gender, age, and other personal information that you could use for future communications with them. This information could be used to be added to your newsletter subscriber list and segment the communications sent to them based on personal data and purchase behavior.

Having them in your email list is a great way for your brand to continue to be part of their lives by sending them valuable information periodically, as well as special promotions or product launches, and this would be significantly improved if the content that is sent is in accordance with your recipient’s tastes, which would make them want to open the email and would also intensify the bond between the two of you.

It is important to have an online presence on different platforms in order to succeed in the task of being on the top of the heads of your customers. Invite them to participate in your different social media accounts, visit your site, and read and share your blog posts. Video content is also a great way to engage with your audience in a different way, and you should include this type of content in your platforms as well.

The Importance Of Social Media

Social media is an important part of how brands interact with their customers in today’s world. Almost every successful brand (if not all of them) has at least a social media account on any of the most known online platforms, like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or Linkedin.

Having a presence on a social media platform makes it easier to build a lasting connection with your customers, as they can simply interact with you through comments, reactions, or shares. Suppose you like or reply to their comments, or react to what they say about you. In that case, you will be generating a more intimate relationship between your customers and you which increases the possibilities of them coming back to your brand when they need to make a new purchase.

Also, a lot of people use social media accounts to get in touch with brands to ask about products that they want to purchase, or even to ask or complain about products that they already obtained. This is directly related to post-sales marketing, and giving them quick replies and solving their problems is a great way not to weaken that relationship that was already started, and it also will encourage them to provide positive feedback on social media and help your brand reach new audiences.

Not Just Obtain, But Also Retain

If you are running a business, especially a small one, this should be your mantra. While most of your efforts should continue to be put into generating new leads, researching your competitors, improving your SEO strategy, and all that is needed to make your business grow and reach new clients, post-sales marketing should also be considered as important as the previously mentioned activities.

To achieve that, a crucial part of your work should be focused on customer support. A lot of the image that will remain in the memory of your customers has to do with the way you react to an issue. Although you are very careful with your product and take care of everything related to your brand, it is most likely that there are going to be problems: an error in an order, a delay in delivery, or a defective product; no one is exempt from that. It is very important that you are prepared to deal with it like you would like other brands to deal with your products when you are on the side of the customer.

If you have a team, focus on training them in customer support activities. Make sure they (and you) understand that your customers should be the center of all your activities. Make them feel like they are heard, and respond quickly to queries or issues to maintain a positive image of your brand.

By doing so, half of your post-sales marketing strategy will be solved and you could continue focusing on growing your business through your different online channels.