Results are in! Experts reveal the truth about eating black watermelon seeds

  • Watermelon has long been haunted by a pernicious old wives’ tale
  • Few believe this myth today, but concerns about black seeds persist
  • Studies suggest that watermelon offers many health benefits

Watermelon has long been haunted by a persistent old wives’ tale: that its black seeds can sprout a melon in your stomach if swallowed.

It’s safe to say that few believe this myth today; otherwise, the end of summer would be a much scarier time of year for watermelon lovers.

However, many remain concerned about whether swallowing the fruit’s black seeds is bad for you.

Studies suggest that watermelon may provide many health benefits soothing sore muscles, improving the skin even reducing the risk of cancer.

Experts, including dietitian Lauren Manaker, told us Southern life that the seeds are not only safe, but also packed with nutrients.

Watermelon has long been haunted by a persistent old wives’ tale: The black seeds can sprout a melon in your stomach if you swallow them

'Watermelon seeds are a natural source of manganese, phosphorus, potassium, protein, folic acid, essential fatty acids, iron and zinc,' says dietitian Lauren Manaker

‘Watermelon seeds are a natural source of manganese, phosphorus, potassium, protein, folic acid, essential fatty acids, iron and zinc,’ says dietitian Lauren Manaker

“Watermelon seeds are a natural source of manganese, phosphorus, potassium, protein, folic acid, essential fatty acids, iron and zinc,” says Manaker.

She added: ‘These various nutrients, such as manganese, aid in the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system, while phosphorus aids in healthy bone formation and improves digestion.’

The fruit contains “important antioxidant nutrients that support disease prevention and overall well-being,” according to Christina Meyer-Jax, a nutrition professor at Northwestern Health Sciences University.

The black seeds of a watermelon are full and mature seeds that can be planted.

They are healthy to eat, but have little flavor and are much more difficult to chew than the unripe white seeds in ‘seedless’ watermelons.

Nutritionist Tammy Lakatos Shames said: ‘Although both are safe to eat, most people spit out the black seeds because they are difficult to chew and make eating the watermelon flesh more difficult.’

Watermelon can also help you stay hydrated in the hot sun

Watermelon can also help you stay hydrated in the hot sun

Both white and black watermelon seeds contain fiber, and sprouted watermelon seeds are thought to provide even more nutritional benefits.

Roasted, watermelon seeds resemble pumpkin seeds and are a healthy snack.

The magnesium in the seeds plays a key role in energy production, nerve function and maintaining stable blood pressure.

The seeds also provide fatty acids that lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke.

So the results are known: a watermelon is only dangerous if you drop one on your foot.