Research shows that toxic PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ accumulate in the testicles

New research has found for the first time that PFAS “forever chemicals” accumulate in the testicles, and that exposure likely affects the health of children.

The toxic chemicals can damage sperm during a sensitive period of development, potentially leading to liver disease and higher cholesterol levels, especially in male offspring, according to the paper, which looked at the chemicals in mice.

The research is part of a growing body of work that highlights how fathers’ exposure to toxic chemicals “can have a real impact on the health, development and future diseases of the next generation,” says Richard Pilsner, a researcher at Wayne State University School of Medicine and co-author of the book study.

“We’ve always been concerned about the environmental impact on maternal health because women deliver the babies… but this research actually says there is a paternal contribution to the health and development of the offspring,” added Pilsner added.

PFAS are a class of approximately 16,000 compounds used to make products resistant to water, stains and heat. They are called “forever chemicals” because they do not break down naturally and build up in people. The chemicals have been linked to cancer, birth defects, liver disease, thyroid disease, declining sperm counts and a range of other serious health problems.

PFAS changes sperm DNA methylation, a process that turns genes on and off, Pilsner said. The methylation patterns can be inherited at fertilization and influence development in early life and the health of the offspring later in life.

The interference can change genes in a way that affects the way the liver produces cholesterol, which can lead to elevated levels. Researchers also found that the chemicals affected genes related to neurological development, but the study did not monitor the offspring for possible effects.

Although PFAS usually accumulate in the blood and liver, they have been found to accumulate in organs throughout the body, as well as in bones. Finding the chemicals in the testes shows how ubiquitous the chemicals are in mammals’ bodies, said Wayne State researcher and co-author Michael Petriello.

The study looked at relatively low exposure levels compared to previous research. It also included long- and short-chain PFAS, which the industry claims are generally safe and do not accumulate in the body. The study is part of a growing number of studies showing that ‘safe’ PFAS can also be measured in tissue or blood in mammals.

Water and food are the two main exposure routes for PFAS. New federal limits for some compounds in water are being implemented, but public health advocates say filtration systems can limit exposure. Men can protect themselves by avoiding nonstick cookware and waterproof clothing, and by educating themselves about products that commonly use PFAS.