Research into sexual satisfaction in 36 countries shows where couples have the best time in bed. But where does the UK actually stand?

India tops the list of countries with the highest number of sexually satisfied residents, a survey of people in 36 countries has found.

A survey of nearly 30,000 people found that the origin of the Kama Sutra is the country where people are happiest with their sexual escapades.

About 76 percent of Indian lovers who participated in the survey said they were physically satisfied with their sexual relationship. 73 percent also said they were emotionally satisfied.

This is in stark contrast to only 56 percent of people in the UK who were physically satisfied with the sex they had, according to The sun.

This figure puts Britain in the global average for physically satisfying sex, which unfortunately means half of us are falling short in the bedroom.

Nearly half of Britons are physically and emotionally unhappy with their sex lives, according to a global survey

But that things are improving is evident from the latest UK figure from Durex’s Global Sex Survey from 2024. The figure is a third higher than in 2006.

However, British lovers scored worse on emotional satisfaction during sex, with only 51 percent, well below the global average of 57 percent.

Besides India, the Philippines, Mexico, Colombia and South Africa also rank among the world’s most physically satisfied lovers, each scoring around 70 percent.

Globally, levels of physical and emotional sexual satisfaction have increased by 12 and 21 percent since the study began.

Ben Wilson, Global Category Director Intimate Wellness at Reckitt, the company that owns the Durex brand, said: ‘It’s encouraging to see so many people enjoying fulfilling and satisfying sex lives in many of the countries that took part in this year’s research.

‘We know that intimate wellbeing can make an important contribution to overall health, so we want to ensure that everyone has a positive sex life.’

The study also looked at the extent to which sex contributes to people’s overall well-being.

The study found that 51 percent of sexually satisfied individuals feel healthier and more confident, while 65 percent report feeling happier.

Sex, and intimacy in general, has been linked to a range of health benefits, including better heart health, lower stress and better mental health.