Rescue mission launched for sailor stuck in wild seas in Great Australian Bite off WA and SA coast

Rescue mission underway to save solo sailor battling eight-metre waves off Australia’s south coast

  • Sailor stuck in wild seas in Great Australian Bight
  • Rescue aircraft en route after beacon signal issued

A search and rescue operation is underway for a solo sailor who issued a distress beacon during strong winds and eight-metre waves in the Great Australian Bight.

The beacon located the 6.5-meter Queensland-registered sailing vessel about 630 kilometers west of Kangaroo Island in South Australia and 740 kilometers south-east of Esperance, Western Australia.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), which received the signal at around 4:50 p.m. on Friday, diverted a merchant vessel to the area.

There is a desperate mission to save a solo sailor in raging seas

The AMSA vessel is expected to arrive Saturday morning.

Meanwhile, the Perth-based Challenger rescue aircraft arrived on scene at around 7:45 pm and communicated with the deckhand by radio.

The weather conditions in the area are severe, with wind speeds estimated at 100-110 km/h and waves between eight and nine meters.

A 6.5m sailing ship approximately 630km west of Kangaroo Island in South Australia and 740km south east of Esperance, Western Australia

A 6.5m sailing ship approximately 630km west of Kangaroo Island in South Australia and 740km south east of Esperance, Western Australia