Republicans subpoena multiple major BANKS in their Biden family finances investigation

Republicans subpoenaed multiple major BANKS in their probe into Biden family finances

  • The oversight panel subpoenaed information from Bank of America and others
  • Democrat Jamie Raskin accused panel chair of hiding ‘whistleblowers’
  • Democrats also want access to GOP citations from Hunter Biden’s laptop

House Oversight Committee Republicans continue their investigation of President Biden and key family members amid howls from Democrats, this time demanding financial information from a host of financial institutions.

The subpoenas came to light during a week when committee officials met with former Joe Biden executive aide Kathy Chung in a separate investigation into the president’s handling of classified documents.

It all has the top Oversight Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin who raised the alarm about Comer’s “misrepresentations” about the commissions’ aggressive investigative work.

Fox news confirmed the subpoenas to financial institutions including Bank of America, Cathay Bank, JPMorgan Chase and other HSBC USA, as well as Comer.

House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) examines President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents. His staff interviewed Biden’s former executive assistant on Tuesday

The panel also subpoenaed former Hunter Biden associate Mervyn Yan. That comes after the panel last month subpoenaed another Hunter associate, John R. Walker, who wired money to Biden family members, including Beau Biden’s widow, Hallie Biden.

“OversightDems have again issued subpoenas from the commission in a cheap attempt to thwart the cooperation of other witnesses,” says Comer. tweeted Friday. “No one should be fooled by the games of ranking member Raskin. We have the bank records and the facts are not good for the Biden family.”

Raskin criticized Comer’s behavior in a letter Thursday, where he charged with trying to “shield” information from the minority, in violation of common practice on the panel, which includes partisan battles.

Comer hit back in a statement to Fox complaining about Raskin’s revelation.

The GOP-led committee subpoenaed banking records of Biden family members

The GOP-led committee subpoenaed banking records of Biden family members

Democrats are demanding access to the Hunter Biden laptop that has served as a roadmap for GOP investigators

Democrats are demanding access to the Hunter Biden laptop that has served as a roadmap for GOP investigators

Comer and top Democratic Rep.  Jamie Raskin exchange barbs

Comer and top Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin exchange barbs

Ranking member Raskin has again made the commission’s subpoenas public in a cheap attempt to thwart cooperation from other witnesses. Given his antics with the bank’s first subpoena, the American people and media should be asking what information Raskin is trying to hide this time around,” he said, arousing suspicion against the senior member.

Raskin had written to Comer that “I have become increasingly disturbed by your attempts to shield information from Committee Democrats, including information gathered as part of your investigation of members of the President’s family. I am also disturbed by your apparent public misrepresentation of certain investigative steps that Committee Republicans have taken on this matter—an investigation that you consider your “top priority” in the 118th Congress;

Raskin, a constitutional attorney who served as impeachment manager during former President Trump’s impeachment trial, demanded that the GOP share a copy of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop, which informs her investigation.

“For the past 10 months, you have refused to share with the minority a copy of the ‘hard drive’ allegedly obtained from Hunter Biden’s missing laptop, even as you repeatedly refer to it in letters and reports, and allege often relies on documents supposedly obtained from it. You have even used this information to obtain private citizens’ personal financial information through a mandatory process – dating back to January 2009 -,” he said.

Comer shot at Raskin in a statement to Axios, accusing him of “playing lawyer for the Biden family rather than really policing the American people.”