Republicans release AI video depicting what will happen if Biden wins – including war in Taiwan

Republicans on Tuesday used an AI-generated video to portray a second Biden presidency as a time of war, dysfunction and civil unrest.

Within minutes of President Joe Biden announcing he was running for another term with a cry of “Let’s get this job done,” the Republican National Committee illustrated what it thought that would look like.

“What if the weakest president we’ve ever had gets re-elected,” the attack ad asks before answering the question.

It cuts to an image of a fighter plane in the sky, explosions in a strange city and a warship at sea.

Images of burning buildings and troops in the streets give way to protesters marching under the flag of the People’s Republic of China.

The Republican National Committee released a video on Tuesday suggesting what the US and the world could look like if President Joe Biden won a second term in 2024

The video underscores the point: “What if international tensions escalate?”

Then it turns its attention to home: ‘What if financial systems collapse?’

The video shows boarded-up storefronts, last seen during widespread social justice protests in the 2020s, and what appears to be the empty shell of a bank, as elderly men and women line up as if to withdraw their savings.

“What if our border is gone,” it continues. “What if the crime gets worse?”

It all comes with the kind of imagery conjured up by Tucker Carlson’s worst nightmares, or in this case as suggested by AI.

Hordes of people gather around the Golden Gate Bridge. National Guard troops line up in the streets.

Biden’s announcement creates a potential repeat of the 2020 election. With nearly 18 months to go, Donald Trump is in polling position to secure the Republican nomination.

He was quick to attack Biden’s record on Tuesday, touching on some of the same themes as the video.

The video uses artificial intelligence to depict boarded-up storefronts, war in foreign lands and National Guard troops deployed at home to quell civil unrest

The video uses artificial intelligence to depict boarded-up storefronts, war in foreign lands and National Guard troops deployed at home to quell civil unrest

The video shows fighter jets in the air and warships at sea, suggesting a war over Taiwan

The video shows fighter jets in the air and warships at sea, suggesting a war over Taiwan

'What if international tensions escalate?'  it asks in its nightmarish rendering

‘What if international tensions escalate?’ it asks in its nightmarish rendering

And at home, it shows troops on American streets as illegal immigration, crime and economic collapse cause the collapse of society

And at home, it shows troops on American streets as illegal immigration, crime and economic collapse cause the collapse of society

Thanks to Joe Biden’s socialist spending catastrophe, American households are being decimated by the worst inflation in half a century. Banks are going bankrupt,” he said.

“Our currency is crashing and the dollar will soon cease to be the world standard, which will be our biggest defeat in over 200 years.”

He also denounced Biden’s leadership on the global stage.

Russia is working with China. Iran is days away from a nuclear bomb — not even conceivable,” he said.

“Ukraine has been devastated by an invasion that would never have happened had I been president — and Joe Biden has led us to the brink of World War III.”

If Republicans want to portray a dystopian war-torn future under Biden, Democrats will do the same for Trump, reminding voters how he tried to stay in power after losing the 2020 election and the way his supporters the US Capitol.

In his re-election announcement video, Biden didn’t need to use artificial intelligence to get the point across.

It featured actual footage of Trump supporters fighting with police officers on January 6, 2021, as clouds of tear gas enveloped the Capitol.

Both frontrunners face challenges as they compete for a second term.

According to an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll last week, only half of Democrats, or 47%, think Biden should run again.

An NBC poll found 48% of those who do not want Biden to run for office cite his age as a “major” reason.

Joe Biden used January 6 footage and abortion protests to finally announce he is running for president in 2024 alongside Kamala Harris

Joe Biden used January 6 footage and abortion protests to finally announce he is running for president in 2024 alongside Kamala Harris

Trump also faces a series of challenges in his re-election campaign.

37% from Republicans saying they don’t want him to run.

88% of Democrats are against Trump, while 86% of Republicans oppose Biden.

Conservatives stepped up their attacks on Biden after his announcement

issued the following statement:

“Why on earth is President Biden running for re-election? He has been an unmitigated disaster at his job,” said Jenny Beth Martin, president of the Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund.

“Whether it’s its worst inflation in 40 years; continued school closures; the spiraling and deepening border crisis; the debacle over the withdrawal from Afghanistan; lawless executive actions such as the vaccine mandate, the deportation moratorium, and the student loan payment scam; or a myriad of other issues, Biden’s policies have hurt America and continue to hurt America.”