- Republicans will now explore other candidates for the presidency as the chaos continues
House Republicans have voted out Jim Jordan as House candidate after he tried three times – and failed – to gain enough support to become leader of the Republican Party.
He was ousted by 86 to 112 in a closed-door vote on Friday afternoon. The House recessed after the vote and won’t be back until 6:30 PM ET on Monday for another candidates forum.
Having been without a speaker for seventeen days, the House of Representatives is paralyzed and unable to conduct business in a month until the government shuts down again.
The Ohio Republican continued to lose votes as 25 Republicans – three more than last time – voted against him earlier on Friday. He lost 20 votes on his first vote as speaker and 22 on his second.
It shows there is no end in sight to the disarray among Republicans in the House of Representatives, two weeks after McCarthy became the first speaker in history to be impeached.
This is a current news item. Check back regularly for updates.
The Ohio Republican continued to lose votes as 25 Republicans – three more than last time – voted against him on Friday
Jim Jordan was ousted by a vote of 86 to 112 in a closed-door vote on Friday afternoon
While Republicans voted, pizzas were wheeled into the closed-door meeting