Republican caught on hot mic taking shot at Biden’s immigration executive order ‘political gimmick’: ‘Never trust a man whose uncle was eaten by cannibals’

A senior Republican senator branded Joe Biden untrustworthy after he repeatedly peddled a strange story about his uncle being consumed by cannibals in Southeast Asia.

The tall tale, which the president has repeatedly told, has been directly refuted by a Pentagon report.

Biden claims that his uncle, Ambrose Finnegan – known to the family as ‘Uncle Bosie’ – was on a plane that was shot down over Papa New Guinea while serving in World War II – and that his dear relative was later eaten by local cannibals .

And at the end of a Republican press event criticizing Biden’s new asylum decision, Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, was caught on a hot mic mocking Biden’s strange cannibal story.

She told Senator John Kennedy, “The bottom line is, never trust a man whose uncle was eaten by cannibals.”

Ernst was heard commenting on Biden’s uncle as she left a border crossing

Ernst apparently didn’t realize her comments were being recorded on a hot microphone in a room full of reporters.

The jab at Joe was overheard as the Republican walked offstage in a media room on Capitol Hill with a microphone she probably didn’t know was still on.

The president’s rebuke came after a nearly 45-minute tirade from Republican senators against Biden’s immigration plan — and a month and a half after his Uncle Brosie story.

Biden claimed that his uncle “was shot in New Guinea, and they never found the body, because there used to be – there were really a lot of cannibals in that part of New Guinea.”

“He was shot in an area where there were a lot of cannibals in New Guinea at the time,” Biden said recently at an event in Pennsylvania. “They never found his body.”

The loss of Ambrose Finnegan is detailed in a ‘missing aircraft’ report prepared on March 17, 1944 and held in the National Archives.

Despite not being on stage, the microphones still picked up her bashing of Biden

Despite not being on stage, the microphones still picked up her bashing of Biden

The War Department report, which is marked ‘secret’, shows that he did not fly the plane and was a passenger. There were three ‘crew’ and one ‘passenger’ on board. Finnegan was listed as a 2nd Lieutenant who was a ‘courier’.

The report said the weather was “good” when the plane crashed and there was “zero” evidence as to whether or not the occupants had survived.

While Biden said the plane was shot down, a separate Pentagon report suggested it was dumped in the ocean after an engine failure.

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency report said there was a crew of three and one passenger, and that the aircraft took off from Momote Airfield, Los Negros Island, on May 14, 1944, on a courier flight to Nadzab Airfield, New Guinea.

“For unknown reasons, this aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing in the ocean off the northern coast of New Guinea,” the report said. ‘Both engines failed at low altitude and the nose of the aircraft hit the water hard.’

‘Three men failed to get out of the sinking wreckage and were lost in the crash.’

‘One crew member survived and was rescued by a passing ship. An aerial search the next day found no trace of the missing aircraft or lost crew members.’

It said Second Lieutenant Ambrose J. Finnegan “was the passenger of this Havoc when it was lost.”

President Joe Biden delivers remarks about an executive order restricting asylum in the East Room of the White House

President Joe Biden delivers remarks about an executive order restricting asylum in the East Room of the White House

2nd Lt. Ambrose J. Finnegan, who Biden claims was eaten by cannibals

2nd Lt. Ambrose J. Finnegan, who Biden claims was eaten by cannibals

Missing Air Crew Report Number 48472D LT AMBROSE J. FINNEGAN

Missing Air Crew Report Number 48472D LT AMBROSE J. FINNEGAN

Missing Air Crew Report Number 48472D LT AMBROSE J. FINNEGAN

Missing Air Crew Report Number 48472D LT AMBROSE J. FINNEGAN

Tuesday at the GOP press event, Republicans painted Biden as deceitful about his border policy.

‘On the first day of his presidency, Joe Biden rolled into the White House. He stepped into the Oval and dismantled everything President Trump had put in place to monitor these illegal border crossings,” said Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa.

“So now here we are years later, and it took 10 million illegal border crossings for President Biden to step up and acknowledge that there is a crisis at the border, and you know what, folks? It is his own making,” Ernst continued.

Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., asserted that Biden’s executive action is a toss-up, saying the president wants to get tough on immigration in an election year.

‘Our borders have become vulnerable and the safety of our citizens has been compromised. And here we are just five months away from this crucial election, with Joe Biden and the Democrats grasping for a political lifeline,” he said.

“Joe Biden’s decisions are essentially rubber stamping the presence of cartel and criminal enterprises at our borders and, in fact, across the country. This is not policy, this is a betrayal of the American people by the White House.”

Ernst blasted Biden's executive action as an election-year ploy

Ernst blasted Biden’s executive action as an election-year ploy

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, pointedly picked up a poster demonstrating how many migrants have entered the U.S. unlawfully under President Joe Biden

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, pointedly picked up a poster demonstrating how many migrants have entered the U.S. unlawfully under President Joe Biden

“President Biden is not addressing the crisis,” said Sen. Pete Ricketts, R-Neb. “He’s perpetuating a catastrophe.”

“Since coming to power, he has either left all the Trump-era policies that worked so successfully unenforced or repealed them.”

“During his first 100 days, he issued 94 executive orders. President Trump built 500 miles of wall. President Biden has put an end to that with his executive orders.”

“This president doesn’t mean it,” Ricketts continued. “He opened our southern border and now because it’s an election year. He’s trying to show the American people that he’s taking action, but we don’t believe it.”

Sen. Blackburn, R-Tenn., expressed similar sentiments at the event.

“Human trafficking, sex trafficking, the numbers are going up and there you go with an election year political ploy to try to push this issue aside so that [Biden] can go to a debate and say, ‘Well, I did something.’

An energetic Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said at the news conference that Biden and Democratic lawmakers have presided over “a criminal invasion of the United States” by allowing more than 10 million migrants into the U.S. since the president took office.

He claimed that Biden “intentionally broke the system” and now, in an election year, the president is trying to fix it.