Remote workers are warned they could face PRISON if they enter into Euro 2024 office sweepstakes

  • The 2024 European Championship starts on Friday evening when Germany takes on Scotland
  • During the tournament, sweepstakes will take place across Europe
  • click here to follow the Mail Sport Euro 2024 WhatsApp channel for all the latest news and updates from Germany

Remote workers taking part in an office competition during Euro 2024 have been told they may be breaking the law.

The highly anticipated tournament kicks off on Friday evening in Munich, with host country Germany taking on Scotland in the opening match.

Office competitions will become commonplace across Europe as employees look to maximize their enjoyment of the competition.

Particularly popular in horse racing, a sweepstakes is a gambling method in which each person pays a small amount and is given the name of a competitor before a match.

If the assigned team makes it all the way, you’ll claim the prize, which is usually the financial sum of the money raised from participating.

Remote workers taking part in an office competition during Euro 2024 could be breaking the law

Most adults will have participated in it at some point in their lives and the majority will never have thought about the legality.

However, Felix Faulkner, an attorney at a gambling licensing company Popplestone Allensays remote workers could get into trouble if they participate this summer.

This is because it is illegal to be involved in a lottery unless you are there to physically witness the draw. Otherwise it could be a £5,000 fine or 51 weeks in prison.

There are a number of guidelines that companies must follow to comply with regulations.

All players must work in the same physical office, which means sweepstakes cannot be run across multiple offices

The draw must take place physically on the business premises. This means that if you work from home, you cannot participate unless you go to the office to enter.

Participants must all pay the same prize and the prize money cannot be transferred to another game.

The rights associated with the ticket cannot be transferred to another person after purchase

The European Championship starts on Friday evening when Germany takes on Scotland

Organizers may deduct reasonable costs from proceeds to cover the cost of prizes and tickets

The law for what is permitted is governed by the Gambling Act 2005, with the Gambling Commission publishing guidance on the regulation of fundraising, lotteries and lotteries.

A spokesman for Poppleston Allen said: ‘Ultimately, it is a criminal offense to run an illegal lottery and you can be prosecuted. The maximum penalty for offenses is 51 weeks’ imprisonment or a £5,000 fine.’

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