Remember T1000 from Terminator 2? Scientists are planning something similar but with a cuter name – SMARTLET

Remember T1000 from Terminator 2 Scientists are planning something similar

Self-assembling ‘living technology’ is now within reach, thanks to researchers who have developed a form of microbotic electronic units called SMARTLETs that can behave like biological cells.

The team at the Research Center for Materials, Architectures and Integration of Nanomembranes (MAIN) built these small modules with silicon chips between the folds. These SMARTLETs can be encoded with the information to form complex structures – which work much like how you imagine the T1000 from Terminator 2 might reconstruct itself. Of course, Robert Patrick’s terrifying feats will remain fiction, but one day we could see these SMARTLETs become the components that go into, say, the best smartphones or the best business laptops.