Recipe for AI Success: 10 Considerations for Businesses

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming industries, driving efficiency and enabling new business models. Gartner predicts that worldwide spending on AI software will grow from $124 billion in 2022 to $297 billion in 2027, a CAGR of 19.1%. For enterprises, embracing AI is no longer a strategic option, but a necessity for survival. Just as a chef learns different techniques to create a complete meal, enterprises must understand the different distinctive flavors of AI that best support their business strategies. This article outlines ten considerations organizations should consider during the planning and implementation phases of AI implementation in alignment with the pragmatic AI model.

AI encompasses a wide range of technologies and applications, each with their own uses and benefits. Generative AI and the use of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT can automate and simplify content creation and customer interactions. This includes composing emails, generating reports, and providing customer support. Alternatively, predictive AI uses complex data sets to make recommendations and support decision-making processes. An example of this is the use of predictive analytics to accurately predict customer payments and optimize cash flow. The key to a successful AI strategy lies in evaluating pragmatic use cases and selective investments that will help achieve business objectives.

Andy Campbell

Director Solution Marketing at Certinia.

Pragmatic AI Maturity Model