Reason man waving Israeli flag was arrested at pro-Palestine rally where radical Muslims chanted ‘gas the ‘Jews’

NSW Police have defended the removal of a protester waving an Israeli flag at a pro-Palestinian rally on Monday, claiming it was for his ‘safety’.

About 1,000 protesters gathered at Sydney Town Hall on Monday night for a Free Palestine rally in the wake of renewed violence between Palestine and Israel.

The rally began with various chants including “Resistance is justified when Palestine is occupied”, “Israel, Israel you cannot hide that you are committing genocide” and “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”.

But police swung into action when a man, who has since been identified as Sydney businessman Mark Spiro, held up an Israeli flag – which he had not even unfurled – before being dragged away by three police officers.

In a video of the incident, filmed by Daily Mail Australia, Mr Spiro is heard repeatedly saying “I’ve done nothing wrong”.

There were scenes of chaos as the demonstration was hijacked by radical Muslims - some wearing black masks - who threw flares at police and chanted

There were scenes of chaos as the demonstration was hijacked by radical Muslims – some wearing black masks – who threw flares at police and chanted “f*** Israel” and “f*** the Jews” under the steps of the Theater of Opera. (In photo)

An officer told him: ‘You have been arrested in connection with a breach of the peace.’

On Tuesday morning, NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Tony Cooke defended the decision to arrest Mr Spiro, claiming his presence “could have caused significant danger to himself and others”.

“I understand his point… (but) it was necessary,” Mr Cooke said.

“Under the circumstances, the best option for us was to take the actions we did.

Cooke added: “He was arrested to prevent a breach of the peace for his own safety. He was removed and released.’

Mr Spiro later told Sky News that he felt the officers’ actions were ‘excessive’ and that he felt like a ‘scumbag’.

“It was over the top and at the time having both arms stuck back because you had an Israeli flag draped over it was shocking and confrontational,” Mr Spiro said.

“The cops should be ashamed of themselves, frankly. I was an innocent bystander with an Israeli flag draped over it.’

Daily Mail Australia witnessed a large crowd of men attempting to light the Israeli flag with firecrackers before they began stamping on it and tearing it to pieces (pictures)

Daily Mail Australia witnessed a large crowd of men attempting to light the Israeli flag with firecrackers before they began stamping on it and tearing it to pieces (pictures)

Meanwhile, Sydney businessman Mark Spiro (pictured) was arrested by police after holding an unfurled Israeli flag while repeatedly saying

Meanwhile, Sydney businessman Mark Spiro (pictured) was arrested by police after holding an unfurled Israeli flag while repeatedly saying “I’ve done nothing wrong”.

In total, Daily Mail Australia witnessed three individuals attempt to hold an Israeli flag before being chased by protesters or arrested by police ‘for their own safety’.

Abigail Lane, 23, a social care student originally from Tasmania, had an Israeli flag with the word “peace” taken from her by police.

“A police officer came and grabbed my hands and said, ‘Why the hell are you going in there with that sign? What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she said.

I said, “I’m not Palestinian, I’m not Israeli. I’m just Irish-Australian and I don’t like that we’re stirring up hate here in Sydney. My sign said love not hate.”

“I don’t think fueling more anger and violence is the answer.”

Shockingly, NSW Police felt compelled to warn Sydney’s Jewish community from entering Sydney’s CBD on Monday evening over safety concerns.

Protesters marched from the Town Hall towards the Sydney Opera House, chanting

Protesters marched from Town Hall to the Sydney Opera House, chanting “Free Palestine”

The rally, organized by the Palestine Action Group in Sydney, saw a large number of pro-Palestinian activists gather at Town Hall in Sydney’s CBD on Monday evening before marching to the Opera House, where its banners were hoisted on blue and white in support of Israel.

In the end, the sails were lit only briefly and in muted colors.

Israeli supporters mostly stayed away, with some watching the lighting from the other side of Circular Quay.

There were scenes of chaos at the Opera House as the demonstration was hijacked by radical Muslims – some wearing black masks – who threw flares at police and chanted “f*** Israel” and “f*** the Jews”. down the stairs. of the iconic harborside venue.

Even, at one point, cries of ‘gas the Jews’ were heard.

Israel's supporters kept their distance, watching the show from across Circular Quay

Israel’s supporters kept their distance, watching the show from across Circular Quay

Below the steps of the Opera, a large crowd gathered waving Palestinian flags

Below the steps of the Opera, a large crowd gathered waving Palestinian flags

Daily Mail Australia witnessed a large crowd of men attempting to light the Israeli flag with fireworks before stamping on it and tearing it to pieces.

Shouts of ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is great in Arabic) and ‘death to the Jews’ were heard as some members of the crowd rushed towards the police barrier, waving torn pieces of the Israeli flag – despite rally organizers calling on them to protesters to respect the police.

Over 100 police formed a ring of steel along the steps of the Opera House and did not intervene when flares or other projectiles were thrown.

Instead, they doused the burning flames in buckets of water as acrid smoke filled the air.

On Tuesday morning, Assistant Commissioner Tony Cooke said police were looking at CCTV footage in an attempt to identify the arsonists.

“I’m very disappointed in the strongest possible terms that people … used flares,” Mr Cooke said.

“The entire rally was covered by CCTV … (and) we are trying to identify the people who committed the offences.”

Cooke added: “This is New South Wales, we don’t expect people to bring conflict from other countries onto the streets of Sydney.

“Violence will not be tolerated and we were able to manage it to ensure there was no conflict last night.

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