Real-life Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort’s therapist ex-wife reveals the ‘sneaky tactic’ that NARCISSISTS use to gain control over you

The ex-wife of the real Wolf of Wall Street has revealed the sneaky tactics narcissists use to control you that you might not even notice.

Nadine Macaluso55, who now works as a marriage counselor and family therapist in California, met Jordan, 61, when she was just 22 years old and they soon became involved in a whirlwind romance, marrying in 1991 and welcoming two children together before eventually divorcing in 2005 .

After they went their separate ways, Nadine accused the real estate agent of physical and mental abuse, which she said was fueled by his rampant drug addiction and multiple infidelities.

And now the therapist has dedicated her life to helping others get out of tumultuous relationships by sharing tips on her TikTok account, most recently showing how viewers can spot a narcissist with this one trick.

The ex-wife of the real Wolf of Wall Street has revealed the sneaky tactics narcissists use to control you that you might not even notice

Nadine Macaluso, 55, who now works as a marriage counselor and family therapist in California, met Jordan Belfort, 61, when she was just 22 years old and working as a model

Their relationship was portrayed in the 2013 film Wolf of Wall Street, starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Jordan and Margot Robbie as Nadine, who was renamed Naomi for the film.

The couple’s chaotic relationship – as well as Jordan’s illegal stock market scheme in which he stole nearly $200 million from investors – was portrayed in the wildly popular 2013 film Wolf of Wall Street, starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Jordan and Margot Robbie as Nadine, who was renamed Naomi for the film.

The model-therapist has become a viral TikTok star in recent months as he has revealed numerous secrets about their marriage.

She recently took to the video sharing platform to explain a deceptive trick that abusers can pull on you in a relationship.

She captioned the video: “The double standards narcissists have.”

At the beginning of the clip, she said, “Today I want to talk to you about the sneaky tactics that narcissists use when they abuse you, and it’s called double standards.”

Nadine then fired off several examples of double standards in an abusive relationship.

The first example of double standards is when your partner is allowed to have multiple affairs, but if you “so much as look at another man,” you are fiercely belittled.

“Or they’re constantly yelling at you and they’re intimidating and dominating, but you raise your voice once and guess what? You are hysterical,” she added.

The model-therapist has become a viral TikTok star in recent months as he has revealed numerous secrets about their marriage

She took to the video sharing platform to explain a deceptive trick that abusers can pull on you in a relationship. She is on the left in the photo with her new partner and on the right in an old photo

The first case of double standards is when your partner is allowed to have multiple affairs, but if you ‘so much as stare at another man’ you are fiercely belittled – she told viewers to ‘run’

“They can be open and flexible in their schedule, but they want you to consider every second of every minute of every day.

“He can point out your shortcomings and criticize you all the time, right? But the slightest thing you tell him makes him go crazy.”

At the end of the segment, Nadine noted that narcissists think they can “behave differently.”

“Beware of double standards because they are offensive and if they bother you, run like hell,” she declared.

Viewers flooded the comments section, praising the model therapist for her advice.

Jordan (seen on the left in the film and on the right in real life) spent 22 months in prison after it was revealed that he had defrauded more than 1,500 people through a stockbroking scheme in 1999

Nadine has since remarried and has been living with her new husband, John Macaluso, for 23 years, who has three children from a previous relationship.

Viewers flooded the comments section, praising the model therapist for her advice

One person said: ‘Absolute fact!’

Another user added: ‘Oh this is going to be a good one. I just know it.’

Someone else wrote: ‘Oh yes!’

“Always my queen,” said a fourth person.

Jordan spent 22 months in prison after it was revealed he had defrauded more than 1,500 people through an elaborate stockbroking scheme in 1999 – all while married to Nadine.

Nadine has since remarried and has been living with her new husband, John Macaluso, for 23 years, who has three children from a previous relationship.

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