‘Real-life Barbie’ is accused of running a ‘cult’ and Poisoning her millions of followers by urging them to drink turpentine and inhale mercury to rid their bodies of ‘parasites’

A real life ‘Barbie’ is accused of leading a ‘cult’ and risking poisoning her followers.

Valeria Lukyankova – who has 2.5 million followers on various social media accounts – this week suddenly shut down a £13-a-month ‘club’ where she allegedly endangered her fans with dangerous advice.

Known for years as the Ukrainian Barbie, but also calling herself alien princess Amatue, she is facing an investigation by the Russian police and prosecutor’s office, despite being an ardent supporter of Putin.

One of the allegations against her is that she urged her followers to drink turpentine to rid their bodies of parasites.

Another claim is that she urged her female fans to breathe on mercury because “psychic abilities and memories of past lives are awakening.”

Known for years as the Ukrainian Barbie, Valeria Lukyankova also bills herself as the alien princess Amatue

Valeria Lukyankova has 2.5 million followers on various social media accounts

Lukyankova faces investigation by Russian police and prosecutor’s office despite being an ardent supporter of Putin

Lukyanova would like to encourage women to get rid of “parasites” that don’t exist

Women were also urged to “make tampons with grapefruit tar and essential oil” to shrink their genitals, said leading critic Katya Konasova, a blogger and Youtuber who specializes in exposing false healers.

Lukyanova is trying to encourage women to get rid of “parasites” that don’t exist, Konasova said.

‘Turpentine is used in the chemical industry. It should not be used in the human body,” she said.

“Lera (Valeria) is convinced that in everyone’s body there lives a scary worm or octopus, something with tentacles that destroys your will and dominates (you),” she said.

‘Real-life Barbie’ Lukyanova – now believed to be 37 – closed her private club Rex Deus this week

“If you got scared, don’t be scared – Lukyanova has a private club where they also open your ‘third eye’.”

It’s this private club Rex Deus that the wannabe Barbie shut down this week.

Lukyanova – now believed to be 37 – posted an incoherent statement: “Why did I shut down the Rex Deus club?

“Rex Deus has helped thousands of people find themselves, learn their mission, learn how the world works, master quantum technologies and apply them in everyday life.

‘Every day I receive messages of thanks from the members of the club.

“But I realized that I can’t do it anymore.

“I need to share information with even more people.

“We have done a lot of research on rejuvenation in recent years (…) this information does not fit the old club.”

One commenter said the real reason was Konasova exposing her.

Lead critic Katya Konasova, a blogger and Youtuber specializing in exposing false healers

For years, Lukyanova has denied having plastic surgery to create her distinctive look

Another said, “How do you sleep at night when you know you’re poisoning people and scamming money?”

“So beautiful but so rotten inside.”

A female follower is stressed, saying that after following Lukyanova, she wanted to “drink turpentine.”

“I’m listening to myself right now and I’m terrified,” she said.

“It saved me that I couldn’t find turpentine anywhere.

‘I tried her cocktails, not cocktails but smoothies, a garlic cocktail, I literally threw up.

One person said they followed Lukyanova’s advice and ended up with severe anemia

‘People usually do it voluntarily, they sincerely believe (her) and are willing to do anything….

“People listen to (her advice) and risk their lives.”

An assistant to this Barbie is called Anastasia who – despite having no medical training – is her advocate for cleansing the body of parasites.

Anastasia is also accused of threatening critics at the club, once saying, “If some bas**** say even one (negative) word about our cleaning, out of doubt, I’ll flush you down the toilet, do you understand?

“Or about me or Valeria.”

In 2014, Lukyanova arrived in Crimea to boost tourism to the region shortly after it was annexed by Vladimir Putin

Konasova said, “What’s scary is that after these threats, people are actually afraid to share the dark things that are happening there.

“This reminds me strongly of a cult.

“Such sects should be banned and closed down so that Lukyanova and her accomplices no longer earn money from them.”

In 2014, Lukyanova arrived in Crimea to boost tourism to the region shortly after it was annexed by Vladimir Putin.

“I tend to cut off everything I don’t need,” she said at the time.

She’s proud of her Barbie look that she attributed to “Breatharianism” — surviving on “cosmic microfood,” otherwise known as air and light

“The next step is to shut down Ukraine completely because all I get here is s***.

“Why should I waste myself on this?”

She is now believed to be in Mexico.

For years, Lukyanova has denied having plastic surgery to create her distinctive look — other than a boob job — while taking pride in her Barbie look that she attributed to “Breatharianism” — surviving on “cosmic microfood,” otherwise known as air and light.

“All genetics came from nature, except for my breasts,” she said.

“I have lost weight and unfortunately have very small breasts.

“I had to increase my size to feel like a normal girl.

A commentator named Tatiana said: ‘The worst thing about Lukyanova’s cult is how it strains the psyche’

“But I have not subjected myself to any other plastic surgery.”

She claims to have out-of-body experiences that take her to other planets.

She explained, “I have traveled to other planets, which are very far away.

‘They have not been discovered by our scientists, but they exist.

“I communicated with extraterrestrial intelligence and beings and understood other universes.”

A commentator named Tatiana said, “The worst thing about Lukyanova’s cult is how it puts pressure on the psyche, keeps people at a distance so they don’t tell anyone, and advises dangerous things under the guise of health benefits.

Lukyankova suddenly closed a £13-a-month ‘club’ this week where she allegedly put her fans at risk

“As a sane and apparently sane person, what she said made me uncomfortable.

“And at the same time, this is an excellent bait for anyone who has various forms of eating disorders, because these people have a desire to cleanse themselves of everything that is ‘harmful’, and want to lose weight with all kinds of cleanses, despite the consequences for the body. ‘

Another, named diamond2494, said, “I was in this cult and after such experiments I barely survived.”

She followed Lukyanova’s advice and developed severe anemia, she said.

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