Real Housewives Of New York City: Jenna Lyons lets loose at old Henrietta Hudson lesbian bar and does striptease dance after recent breakup

Jenna Lyons went wild at a gay bar and put on a striptease show on Sunday’s episode of The Real Housewives Of New York City on Bravo.

The 55-year-old fashion designer, who recently split from her girlfriend, met 36-year-old Brynn Whitfield at the old lesbian bar Henrietta Hudson in the West Village neighborhood.

“Henrietta Hudson’s is a place I went to when I first came out, so it holds a special place in my heart,” Jenna said in a confessional.

Jenna offered to buy a drink for Brynn, who was wearing silky sky blue pajamas.

“Is this your first time at a gay bar?” Jenna asked.

Letting Go: Jenna Lyons let loose at a gay bar and put on a striptease show on Sunday’s episode of The Real Housewives Of New York City on Bravo

“F*** no, get out,” Brynn replied. ‘That’s why I wore my pajamas. I’m willing to go home with anyone.”

Jenna laughed and revealed in a confessional that she was happy to be there with Brynn after they flirted in Anguilla.

“I’m actually so relieved that Brynn is here with me, because the girl has game. For example, I don’t have one. I’m so shy. I’ve never arrested anyone before,” Jenna said.

Jenna scanned the crowd and asked Brynn to choose her.

‘I go to gay bars quite often. …I don’t distinguish between straight or gay. Look, if there are good looking people, I’ll be there and drinking. And flirting,” Brynn said in a confessional. “Love is love, I’ll take it wherever I can get it.”

“She’s so pretty,” Brynn said when he saw a striking brunette.

Jenna said she needed some time and got a little nervous when Brynn told her the woman was coming over.

Katie walked over and introduced herself to Jenna, and Brynn started talking to her.

Lesbian bar: The 55-year-old fashion designer, after recently splitting from her girlfriend, met Brynn Whitfield, 36, at the old lesbian bar Henrietta Hudson

Fashion designer: Jenna looked effortlessly stylish as she strolled to the bar

Special place: “Henrietta Hudson’s is a place I went to when I first came out, so it kind of has a special place in my heart,” Jenna said in a confessional

Pajamas on: Brynn joked that she was wearing pajamas because she was ready to go home with someone

“Brynn is a great wingwoman. She is so lively. And she’s obviously straight, so she’s not a threat. She’s charming,” Jenna said in a confessional.

Jenna told Katie something about herself.

‘I haven’t been single for so long that I don’t really know how to do these kinds of things anymore. So I’m having a bit of an out-of-body experience,” she admitted.

Katie asked how long she had been single and Jenna revealed it had been two months.

‘How does it feel?’ Katie asked.

“Um, I feel like I’m a fish out of water,” Jenna admitted.

“Well, you don’t look like that,” Katie said.

Brynn then walked over and arranged a phone number exchange between them.

Striking brunette: Katie walked up and introduced herself to Jenna and Brynn had a conversation with her

New single: ‘I haven’t been single for so long that I actually don’t know how to do all this anymore. So I’m having a bit of an out-of-body experience,” Jenna admitted

First meeting: ‘Well, you don’t look like it,’ Katie told Jenna after she said she felt like a fish out of water

Number exchange: Brynn then walked up and brokered a phone number exchange between them

“Jenna is supposed to be a typical New York love story and date someone younger. You’re successful, you’re established, you’re getting started, find yourself a young hottie,” Brynn said in a confessional.

Brynn took a picture of Katie’s number and wrote it on Jenna’s arm.

“I don’t know if Katie realizes how many decades I’ve been on this earth. Maybe she wants a MILF,” Jenna said with a laugh in a confessional.

Jenna then approached an exotic dancer and put money in her garter belt.

She then joined the dancer on stage as Brynn shouted her support and gyrated her hips as they danced together.

Jenna then danced solo and opened her jacket in a striptease while Brynn stuffed money into her blouse.

The season 14 episode, titled Well Healed, also featured Ubah Hassan, 40, hosting a healing session after the argumentative group trip to Anguilla.

Brynn had to miss the healing session after testing positive for COVID.

Love Story: “Jenna is supposed to be a typical New York love story and date someone younger. You’re successful, you’re established, you’ve got this thing going, get yourself a young hottie,” Brynn said in a confessional.

Dancing tip: Jenna then approached an exotic dancer and put money in her garter belt

Sexy dance: Jenna joined the dancer on stage as Brynn shouted her support and gyrated her hips as they danced together

Healing session: The season 14 episode, titled Well Healed, also featured Ubah Hassan, 40, hosting a healing session after the argumentative group trip to Anguilla

Erin Lichy and Sai De Silva and their husbands went on a double dinner date during the episode, and Jessel Taank and her husband finally had a place to stay.

Jessel invited Sai to lunch during the healing session and she reluctantly agreed.

Sai was late for lunch and found herself waiting even longer for Jessel.

Jessel revealed that she and her husband finally had sex during their stay after more than a year, but Sai said in a confessional that she didn’t believe her.

Sai was also shocked to learn that Jessel’s husband regularly makes short trips to Vietnam to rack up airline miles.

Dinner Date: Erin Lichy and Sai De Silva and their husbands had a double dinner date during the episode

Catching up: Sai and her husband caught up with Erin and her husband after the Anguilla trip

Late Lunch: Sai was late for lunch and found herself waiting even longer for Jessel

Successful staycation: Jessel revealed that after more than a year, she and her husband finally had sex during their staycation

Jessel apologized to Sai for telling personal stories in Anguilla that were similar to those Sai shared with the group.

Sai asked for the check and left after Jessel started comparing her late uncle to Sai’s mother.

“I waited 45 minutes for you to tell me you don’t compare yourself, and now you’re dropping this story? I just want to leave,” Sai said in a confessional.

The Real Housewives Of New York City returns next week on Bravo.

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