Read my boss’ brutal response after I asked for a day off to see my dying grandpa

A woman shared her boss's 'heartless' response after a family emergency forced her to stop work for a day.

Jenna was shocked when a phone call from her mother revealed that her grandfather had fallen and suffered serious injuries.

Being there for her family was the only thing on her mind, but she soon realized she needed the day off to go to the hospital.

Jenna made a panicked post detailing her predicament, only for her boss to 'brazenly' oppose her need for time off.

β€œThat's not going to work,” he wrote simply. “We're a week before Christmas.”

A woman shared her boss's 'heartless' response after a family emergency forced her to stop work for a day

The boss, suddenly furious, continued, “Don't bother coming in.”

Jenna shared the original message she sent him on Reddit.

'Hi, I just got a call from my mother. My grandfather fell and is in the hospital with broken ribs and a collapsed lung. She said she doesn't know how long he will be here and that I would like to visit him tomorrow when he is awake.

“If you absolutely need me to open the store tomorrow, I'm happy to do so, as long as I can leave at 7:30.” If you're not here before then, I'll have to take tomorrow off. I'm sorry for the late notice, my mom just called me.

“My friend's mother will arrange the vet appointment I was talking about the other day.”

After receiving the shocking response from her boss, Jenna assumed it meant she had been fired.

β€œI think I'm looking for a new job,” she captioned her post.

After receiving the shocking response from her boss, Jenna assumed it meant she had been fired

After receiving the shocking response from her boss, Jenna assumed it meant she had been fired

Some pointed out the irony of letting an employee go during the holiday season.

β€œSo he can't afford to lose even one day of employees before Christmas, but you got laid off too and now they're short an employee for the rest of the month,” one person commented.

A few blamed Jenna for “shooting herself in the foot” by going into too much detail.

'Please stop offering so much information to employers. Just a simple, 'I have a family emergency and can't come tomorrow' and leave it at that,” one person said. “None of this, I can't come in until 7:30, my grandpa fell, etc. This doesn't help.”

'Do not do this. He never said you were fired. Failure to show up is grounds for dismissal,” a second warned.

While others sided with the manager in enforcing strict policies.

β€œI suspect (Jenna) has a habit of canceling based on the conversation. To be honest, I don't believe that story. β€œI want a picture of grandpa in the hospital and her in the picture as proof, with today's newspaper,” one person said.

β€œSo the vet appointment was your first excuse to miss work and when that didn't work out you made up a story about your grandfather? But then you still had to cover your tracks on the fake vet thing to sound super believable,” said another.